Home Game NFTs With new NFT platform Moonsault hits the masses on people

With new NFT platform Moonsault hits the masses on people

by Mason

If there’s money to earn from a trend, then chances are that Vince McMahon and WWE will get to it. It gets too late and the wrestling promotion usually gets started early. McMahon apparently talked about putting all WWE’s content on a streaming service before relying on streaming services to be a thing. Though women’s revolution came long after it really should’ve been done considering how women were treated during the pro wrestling for the longest time.

Even though the company is making the controversial move to participate in the NFT game, it’s probably doing it too late. The NFT market was skyrocketed in 2021, edging towards the end of the year. It was actually in October that WWE announced plans to enter the NFT racket with Fox. In the time taken to do that, the interest in NFTs and the money to make from them have plummeted.

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In a press release this week, WWE announced its own NFT platform, WWE Monnsault. That sort of change is not in the opinion of any person. The chief branding officer of WWE and Vince’s daughter, Stephanie McMahon, discussed the plans at SXSW over the weekend and launched Moonsault’s website. WWE wants to have the platform up and running before WrestleMania 38. The two-night event starts on the two of April 2022.

The Moonsault site has a full show of everything Stephanie has revealed. Just the ability to enter your email address should you want to stay up to date. Although it is not known who to do that, it appears that the venture will be as popular as WWE. Some fans are quick to highlight the drop in value of NFTS, while others congratulated Charlotte Flair on not having the worst moonsault in wrestling.

WWE has actually played the NFT game before. At this time the environment was very strange, but not for them. Now don’t get the opportunity to make money from the NFTs, because the value of the products is slowly falling, and WWE fans seem to be completely uninterested.

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