In this case, the case was first announced that the NIFTs of the Bored Ape Yacht Club are full of Nazi dog whistles. In response to the suit, the artist is being sued by the Bored Ape’s team. The most popular crypto project accused it of “drawing from racism and neo-nazi culture” with their NFTs using fascist imagery.
It is then follows the claim that a video of an hour-long video sparked the rumors that Bored Ape was the “biggest troll in Internet history.” In order to follow Ripps’ findings, the documentary concludes the theory that the project is actually run by 4chan and 8chan users and uses NFTs to send white supremacist messages and nazi imagery.
In Game, Final Fantasy NFTs Cement Square Enix is the Worst Publisher.
When I tried to let the case go, Ripps put forward his argument that the BAYC creator Yuga Labs is running an elaborate racist trolling scheme (thanks Daily Dot).
“The racist whistles that Yuga has embedded in BAYC are too many to catalogue here,” says Ripps’ attorney. “Yugas systematic use of racist and neo-nazi messages and imagery appears to be created by deliberate design, and, by its co-founders, admission isn’t just random.”
Ripps’ website shared some examples of Yuga’s racist and alleged use of this imagery. He has documented cases of black and Asian NFTs with striking resemblance to racist stereotypes. Even the pseudonyms used by project leads seem to have racist, particularly antisemitic origins. For example, SASS is a combination of the SS and SA (the Nazi Party’s paramilitary wing that was capable of taking Hitler’s influence). Another co-founder says that Gargamel is an antisemitic term that is used on 4chan.
This study was the basis of an hour-long video from YouTube which reflected the theoretical power of this theory. The filmmaker, Philion, wrote that Bored Ape Nazi Club said: “The founders of Bored Ape Yacht Club are acting like people in the world, shoving their strings in the global elite, including celebrities, athletes, actors and influencers.”
That is because Yuga Labs sues Ripps over his python collections. In the case, Yuga claims that Ripps “seek[ing] to devalue the Bored Ape NFTs by flooding the NFT market with his own copycat collection.” Ripps took the original BAYC Apes and resold them himself, but he argues that was done to satirical and educational purposes and therefore fell under fair use.
I wonder whether Ripps will succeed in tiverting the lawsuit against him. In any case, this will likely bring to the attention of a further detail to his research into BAYC, and its apparent ties to 4chan.