Home Esports This is where the ‘secret’ Fortnite Battle Star Week 9 is

This is where the ‘secret’ Fortnite Battle Star Week 9 is

by eSportsJunkie Staff

The Fortnite: The Battle of Royal Season X, Secret Battle Star Week 8, may involve Batman but here at Week 9, the “Ready or Not” mission is a less exciting one. Thursday they were released next to the “Bullseye!””Challenges for the premium mission.

The limited time challenge is only seven days, just like every other week this season, and a new challenge opens every day on 9:00 a.m. Time for the east. Once the players finish three of the seven challenges, they unlock a special loading screen with a clue, which also gives them an opportunity to win an award, which people generally call “the secret star of battle.” That’s going to be a whole stage on the battle pass in Season X, so it is definitely worth it for the people who tend to complete many challenges anyway.

The picture shows some creepy looked skins hidden from the brightly lit doorway as a new person emerges.

Above the door is a small drawing, which, after closer review, is unmistakable, as seen in the Tomato Temple, is the tomato head idol worshiped by the former peoples of this land. Returning into season 5, the Tomato Town tomato head mascot was carried by one of the blue rifts throughout time, so people worshiped the idol as a king or god and built a template to his credit. It’s almost one of Fortnite history’s most ridiculous things.

But Tomate Temple was previously occupied by the massive volcano in the northeast quadrant of the map. So where can people find the new head of the Tomato Temple?

The volcano and the pressure plant are directly west of the Tomato Temple.
The secret star of fighting should spread over the sculpture of the tomato head at the highest point of the area, so you may want to land right after all the challenges have been completed.
Here is an insight into all the challenges ready or not:

  • Search Supply Drops
  • SMG Eliminations
  • Land at Polar Peak or Moisty Palms in different matches
  • Deal damage with Sniper Rifles to opponents
  • Gain health
  • Search Chests in a single match
  • Visit Dusty Depot and Pleasant Park in the same match

This is only available until Ready or Not finishes in the start of the next weekly reset on Thursday, as all loading screen challenges this year. Up until 9 a.m., the players have Thursday, October 3 Eastern access challenges of “Ready or Not,” a loading screen and a weeks 9 store. Up till 9 a.m. players got Eastern on Thursday, October 3 to access “Ready or Not” challenges, the loading screen, and the Week 9 treasure.

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