The 2019 Collector’s Cache treasure has been released for the TI9 compendium.
The cache contains 18 sets, which includes a Rubick ultra rare set, a phantom assassin very rare set and a disruptor rare set.

Each Collector’s Cache costs $2.49 or Rs.175 in Indian currency.25% of every purchase will contribute to The International prize pool.
Opening 15 Collector’s Cache will give the user 36 additional levels, while recycling unwanted sets will grant 2 battle levels each.

The 2019 Cache will only be on sale for 30 days. This will be the only way to acquire these exclusive items, except for the ultra-rareRubick item, which will be marketable towards the end of 2020 after next year’s International concludes. The odds of receiving a bonus rare item will increase with each treasure you open.
According to the VALVE blog release:
The final vote tally is listed below, with the exception of a second Tidehunter set at rank 18 – that set will be released at some point in the future.
Here are all the heroes who got one of the 18 sets so far:
- Abaddon
- Dark Willow
- Disruptor
- Grimstroke
- Dragon Knight
- Rubick
- Chen
- Enigma
- Tidehunter
- Death Prophet
- Undying
- Huskar
- Dazzle
- Oracle
- Drow Ranger
- Phantom Assassin
- Earth Spirit
In other news, the prize pool for THE INTERNATIONAL surged past 16 million $, after the announcement of the collector’s cache. At this rate, it seems Ti9 will surpass last year’s prize pool for sure.

Time to let your wallets to do the talking and get the ultra-rare Rubick cache set!