In competition there are moments of excitement and sorrow. Relive all the Tears and Joy at Worlds 2019 in this episode of Carlos: Making It. From all the hype around beating Damwon Gaming in Quarterfinals to SKT in Semifinals, to the tears of defeat after falling to FPX in front of the European crowd in Paris… One way or another, we’ve made history. We will learn and we will win again.
What is your most memorable moment from our Worlds 2019 run? Let us know in the comments below!
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honestly they should play in the chinese server if they want to beat them because right now whether you like it or not china is the best region right now and their players are where you should learn playing from
fucking ovilee attention seeker
I still cheer G2 everytime i see a highlight play from worlds. How cant you support them
Joder carlos cabron me has hecho llorar delante de la familia xD
man g2 sucks
How is it possible to love a team so damn much. I hate that they lost only because it made them sad, I’m happy they recovered from it.
The past season was such a ride. I still remember the day when ESPN first rumored that Perkz was gonna role swap and Caps and Miky were gonna join. I believed the rumor, but I couldn´t imagine it actually happening and I wasn´t really sure if it was going to work.
That day was the starting point for me to become a passionate esports fan. I always kinda followed lolesports, but never as a super passionate fan as I never had that one favorite team. The past year completely changed that. Thanks for making me a fan G2 and thank you for the fun year I had with you. From winning spring split, to winning the first major international tournament for EU since forever and defeating SKT (since worlds) twice! My personal highlight was when I got to be there in Athens for the summer split win. Getting to worlds finals was awesome aswell and next year Miky will use the detroit smash at 100% so LPL will have 0 chance.
Thanks guys, can´t wait for next year!
Sad end
Carlos, me caes muy gordo me pareces un cretino. Menudo corte te ha dado Ibai. La final más patética que he visto jugaar en mi vida a un equipo. Lets go shit 2 no 3-0!!
19:13 wise words in the end
Vaya mierda de final tío, si hubiese sabido que perderían 3-0 no habría faltado a mi partido de fútbol
Let's go G2!!!!!
We love you too, Bromigo
Ehm, am I the only one that feels kinda bad for the LEC if G2 actually up their game after that loss?
They were pretty dominant before, and even played some of the best teams of the world like a fiddle, sooo
Run? As fast as you can and as far as you can?
Cause if those guys recover for good, this aint gonna be pretty.
Carlos is hands down the best owner and CEO in Esports.
He laughs with the team and joke around when they are winning. When the team loses, so does he. You can hear it in his voice during the post-match interview and you can see it in his face at the closing speech during this video. After the loss he didn't blame anyone but himself. Instead he said: "Next year we will strive to do better, I will do better."
Carlos is giant on whose shoulders the G2 staff and players stand and when he inevitably picks himself up, he will raise them to the skies along with him.
We love you, Ocelote. Never lose your positive spirit. See you next split you magnificent beast! <3
Dont cry, baby boy, you promised us victory, trash talked your opponents and failed miserabely. Why was your team trash talking fpx, when they were losing in screams? Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuckkkk
Get Caps a wife before next worlds. Seriously!
Let's go G2!!!
TL knows it sucks to be second so they decided not to get out of groups, 200 IQ.
We are proud of our G2! Nothing to cry for..! We won MSI, LEC, went all the way to the World's finals in the first World championship of this team (as these exact 5 players). Do not go down from here like RNG and IG! Go all the way up! Trust in yourselves and just learn! We do love you!
2:17 here you can see the influence of Berlin on Carlos. I think he might be referring to "Korn am morgen vertreibt Kummer und Sorgen". He translated it and replaced our German Korn with Red Bull. What a pity…
Okay that fucking intro was top notch info. I run an environmental business currently working on starting a recycling program at a huge gym $500/mo and what Carlos explained at the beginning of this video sums up my week. One day you’re on top of the world next day you’re like what about Disney, you suck.
cuando se anuncia el nuevo fichaje de ibai?
Omg the way carlos cried make me so sad its actually unlucky to lose series like this specially in the finals man this is why inlove g2 better champs better team and everything they deserved to win but it wasnt their best day
Ocelote i thought you overdosed 5 years ago. Glad you are doing fine
fuck……that hurts so fkn much……
i love u carlos
Best possible closure to the season!
I followed Carlos path since his early days when his mom brought him his meal to his desk every stream, seeing him kinda 8/9 years later, still with this amount of passion is a true inspiration <3
Just think this way: What would've been the challenge for this season if they had won Worlds? S10 would've so fucking boring, honestly. Now they have something to redeem themselves. Good luck in the future G2!
Maybe next time dont trash talk too much b4 the game ? Jinx is no joke
when arrogance comes biting your team in the arse
EU Dota : Tears of Joy
EU LoL : Tears, just tears ?
Here we see a rare case of carlos without a scarf