Welcome to the first episode of G2 Out Of 10! With the introduction of Pro View, #LEC teams and fans alike can follow every move from players’ perspectives. Find out if our League of Legends team is worried about the advantages their opponents may gain from Pro View and how they use it themselves!
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What is the outro song called?
poor wunder this top lane meme has gone too far. You still aced skt in the last game of semis and everyone know that's the actual final man
Jankos blink twice if you need help
Nice pro view ad. I will never buy pro view for this price 15/20$ is a total ripoff, if that would be yearly for the whole regions i could pay 20$ but 1 split without events is a fucking joke.
Why does Wunder looks so angry everytime?
Pro View is a great excuse if things go wrong on worlds: "that ig guys are not good. they used pro view to copy from us"
this intro is actually nuts xDD the person who did this should get a rise, 10/10
Is this some kind of suporrt for MS Paint Abusers fine?
Wunder so honest about his lane haha
Honestly, what is this content? xd PerkZ is wearing his shirt wrong (I bet he was shirtless and just grab whatever), Caps and Miky look like they just woke up and bearly know what's going on and Wunder is so uninterested. Jankos is like the only person that is kinda trying to look normal xd
You don't have to force them to make this kind of content or a least pick a better timing lol
But still, thank you it was nice to watch ♥
how are teams used to watch other pro players view in game ?
they got .rofl for other teams and watch it with league client ?
"Muuuuuu" Caps imitating a sheep, 2019
cool ad but sorry im poor
Anyone know when the limited edition inside-out-back-to-front Perkz shirt is hitting the g2esports shop?
wait Jankos isn't screaming and pumped up all the time and can actually be a calm person? No way that's true. This must be a different time line XD
1:58 look at caps, his head leads own life and pulses
is that true they say that adter wunder paint ingame vs vitaliy he trust talk
that intro was so good xD
The problem is you can't watch Pro View if you don't want to know who wins. The moment you enter the stream the gat tells you who won the last teamfight and wether it was a onesided game or not…
when u sleep less than 8 hours 0:16 XD
you guys looks like after weed
too bad you cant see fnatic on "pro" view :>
TIL Jankos skills with his mouse
How much did Riot pay you guys for this?
Riot plz don't force our meme guys to do this serious ad content plz
perkz shirt is kinda off
On the vid before u even see it posted XD
Holy sheep i'm early!
Is Luka wearing his Jersey wrong? Looks a little bit like this
Bring siege roster