Home Videos Unreliable to Unstoppable: How Cloud9 Created a Monster in the Jungle

Unreliable to Unstoppable: How Cloud9 Created a Monster in the Jungle

by devaccess

Blaber is North America’s best jungler, and it’s not even close.

In his first full split as a starter, the young jungler helped win Cloud9’s first LCS championship in six years. But Blaber did more than earn his first championship. The guy was also voted first-team all-pro jungler, and league MVP

He only just became a starter, and he’s already taken the league by storm. But before he was the MVP, Blaber was the MVP’s understudy.

Hosted by: Devin Jones (@milkshks)
Written by: Malcolm Abbas (@Smashhh)
Thumbnail by: Brandon Mistele
Edited by: Alex Debets (@ajdebets)

All footage courtesy of:

Music used under license from Associated Production Music LLC (”APM”).

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Spencer Angelow May 5, 2020 - 7:05 am

IMO broxah & dardoch is still better than blabber. Its just that c9 have the best coordination right now tbh. That is why blabber plays so good

Drowsy Caffeine May 5, 2020 - 7:05 am

"All mechanics, no brain"
Well shit, we got another Stewie2K

Aditya Naik May 5, 2020 - 7:05 am

This dude is seriously overrated. He's not even a top 3 jungler.

krisztivn May 5, 2020 - 7:05 am

no coldzera mirage noscopes? disappointed

GΙΞΘ ΔΔΔ May 5, 2020 - 7:05 am

tarzaned would like to know your location

Daniel R. May 5, 2020 - 7:05 am

Honestly, I knew he was good, but I never expected him to be as consistent as he was this split. Well deserved MVP

D T May 5, 2020 - 7:05 am

Maybe he'll get another video in the future when his career is in full swing, but I kinda wished they went more in-depth on his the trajectory of his career. He was the biggest catalyst that turned around C9's 2018 season from 9th to Worlds. But his shaky performance at 2018 Worlds (despite C9 making semis) combined with Sven's strong performance from worlds into the bext season led to minimal 2019 stage games.

Galaxy The Gamer May 5, 2020 - 7:05 am

The question that I think would be in almost everyone's minds is if Blabber could fuel the fire for RNG, or is that flame going to extinguish?

Hansim Glück May 5, 2020 - 7:05 am

until he proved himself against the best in the world he is not unstoppable yet

Royce Jan Felipe May 5, 2020 - 7:05 am

Still sure that Vulcan should be the one named MVP cause how he placed vision around the map and im sure that helped Blaber die less in games

B0BBI B0BERT0 May 5, 2020 - 7:05 am

essentially a stewie for LOL

Mickey Ari May 5, 2020 - 7:05 am

this wasreally not the score esports style video, i didnt like it

Aitan ! May 5, 2020 - 7:05 am

2:23 We know what happened to Blaber after that aha

k.a.a alfa May 5, 2020 - 7:05 am

T1 canna

EdgeOf1996 May 5, 2020 - 7:05 am

This cloud9 roster is actually insane….

COVID-19…… please go away, I want to see this team at Worlds.

Shaginus May 5, 2020 - 7:05 am

the only NA team that uses Scounting Grounds+Academy how it supposed to

Warshawa Five May 5, 2020 - 7:05 am

Thought i would never say this but this NA player is actually really fucking good

Yoshi Correa May 5, 2020 - 7:05 am

Fr, I’m digging that Flaming Lips

Mr. pockets May 5, 2020 - 7:05 am

NGL After watching " the Mango" this video seemed boring.

Wild fire May 5, 2020 - 7:05 am

I like how they hype him even tho he's just playing in NA

CPTpurrfect May 5, 2020 - 7:05 am



fed so May 5, 2020 - 7:05 am

why is the background music so loud lol

pokitz011 Yolo May 5, 2020 - 7:05 am

Hes not a monster …….. not yet

Clint Fischer May 5, 2020 - 7:05 am

Music too loud

bums bums May 5, 2020 - 7:05 am

drafting in esports, what the actual fuck hahah. What ever happens, dont bring this to CS

Alexis Poriel May 5, 2020 - 7:05 am

A casual D2 in KR or EUW I guess

Paragon May 5, 2020 - 7:05 am

hope he doesn't end up like Mikeyeung

Rio Ihsan Purnomo May 5, 2020 - 7:05 am

Nice vid.
But can you guys make a video about Kanavi that became LPL champion and Griffin that gets relegated.
I think that story is anime plot worthy. From being screwed by the org, all of the controversy, to being the champion of a world championship region

Mukade May 5, 2020 - 7:05 am

The fish

Six Six May 5, 2020 - 7:05 am

I mean he's always been pretty good domesticly, the question is he gonna get slapped around internationally as usual

Cruz Dimas May 5, 2020 - 7:05 am


Matt Lemken May 5, 2020 - 7:05 am

This is the first of many story’s for this kid!

Declan Shipley May 5, 2020 - 7:05 am

“Blaber is NA’s best jungler and it’s not even close”…. Broxah has joined the chat

steven wang May 5, 2020 - 7:05 am

he look like that toxic overwatch player lol

Jarin Schnierl May 5, 2020 - 7:05 am

Svenskeren left cloud 9 so the monster is gone ;D

sten May 5, 2020 - 7:05 am

Imagine playing LOL hahahaha kekw

Warrington May 5, 2020 - 7:05 am

Being the best jungler in NA is like being the strongest kid in your primary school yeah it's cool but does it matter when you step up to the big kids

Ellery Ballou May 5, 2020 - 7:05 am

Woah, he likes flaming lips? I like flaming lips! I relate to him because of that! I like league now because of how I relate to that!


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