When G2 is on the server, it’s always a game of trolling! Joined by special guests Caps and Wunder, Carlos recaps the final week of the #LEC regular split in G2 Run it Down!
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Did anyone noticed below sposnor ADRUS a little
piece of thread?? XDDD holy sh*t i was scratching and trying to remove it from my monitor GG trolls
Wunder : i dont really play league

Me : isnt that ur job?
Miky did choose Wunder tbh, because he is the strongest and said that if it wasn't wunder i would be Caps because they would play magic until they die
"We can't go to gym… The chef doesn't come anymore… And when the split is over we can't come home anyways…"

"Our chef doesn't cook anymore,
We have to order food"
T1 Fight on lmfao
I love how much Carlos fits in with the G2 team, he’s just as KEKW as the players
Normal people around the world: arguing about cereal or milk first
Claps: I do it randomly (pog pog pog)
Can we get some names for Jankos? Perkz? Mikyx?
So far we have:
Caps / Craps
WINther / INTher
Wunder / Blunder
Thunder / Plunder
I love that ocelot is doing interviews with the players I love this content best content in the LOL community
who did caps choose to survive zombiepocalypse though
Caps and Wunder: says something
Can you guys add the subtitle?
I'm not good at English so I cant understand. :(((
great stuff
09:55 siaja rakan
Why is caps and wunder a bad combo?
I rly like wunder pls make more videos with him
23:20 this laugh made my day
Positive name for Wunder could be "Thunder".
Today no Blunder, instead the enemy got destroyed by the Thunder
This show is awesome
Keep them episodes coming
how can wunder be so good at all champs when he doesnt even play the game xD
get rizzo on
I'm fckin cryin form Wunder
When G2 for rocket league won regionals and there is still no video…

A solid 50-50 is amazing
I love these videos! Please keep making more
Oo Wunder beard
I'm just here to flame Carlos for putting the milk first. Fucking barbaric.
Wunder is the one that goes underappreciated in this G2 team!
Caps: We did chose MAD, so hopefully we beat them… otherwise it wasn't a very good choice.
Can someone explain me the joke in 8:25 from Wunder. I guess he talks about caps but not sure what he describes
23:00 wtf XD
I didn't know what to expect with this, but it was actually hilarious. Wunder complaining about top and the Caps coming in like a fucking wrecking ball "Don't they play similar champs in mid and top?" xD xD Wunder is fucking brilliant also, he doesn't appear on much of the content I watch (Thorin etc), but he's really naturally funny.
when is the g2 danish shirt comming?
now we need a Freijord Rammus game from caps now.
Wunder is so funny
imagine getting G2 scrimming as a clash opponent
13:14 beautiful to watch at .25% speed – damn near Frame Perfect kill