A Montreal-based law firm has filed a request for a class-action lawsuit against Epic Games — the creators of Fortnite. They claim that the game is so addictive, that Epic has violated their users’ rights by not warning them about how addictive the game can be.
And they’re basing this claim on a similar case from 2015 that called for tobacco companies to better warn their customers about the dangers of cigarettes.
This document compares the games effects to Cigarettes and Cocaine…
Hosted by Keith Capstick (@KeithCapstick)
Edited by: Dennis Gonzales (@Tarmanydyn)
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Alessandra headhsot
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Fox Business clip
Courtesy: Fox
CBC article
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TIME article
Courtesy: TIME
Always Sunny clip
Courtesy: FX
Simpsons clip
Courtesy: Fox
Fortnite clip
Courtesy: Epic Games
Tfue clip
Courtesy: Tfue
The Guardian article
Courtesy: The Guardian
Ars Technica
Courtesy: Ars Technica
Shox clip
Courtesy: shox
Charter of Rights and Freedoms
Courtesy: Canada.ca
The Room
Courtesy: TPW Films
Horrible Bosses
Courtesy: New Line Cinema
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2:36 A really blanket statement on how dopamine effects the brain, while somewhat true its also a really hacky way of trying to win your case, you could literally say it about any game in existence. Pretty much every giant title that lasts for a couple of years on the pinnacle of the gaming world will come into scrutiny from people who simply don't "get it" (sorry). Point is anything that has a long lasting satisfaction rate will always come into question upon weather that activity is deemed "OK" to the general public.
Idc the reason why I just wanna see fortnite die
Would you rather be addicted to coke or a video game?
Not epics fault, parents should pay attention to their children. 12+ hours a day shoulda been a warning sign
It's over now anyway
What happened to your eye my bro i know no ones perfect but u need to get ur eye check im really worried by ur eye
1.50, those are rookie numbers
I remember when I was a kid I'd get my console taken away after an hour or two nowadays kids be playing for 12 hours and trying to stream
anything could be addictive…
fortshite is a cash-cow casual game aimed at teenagers, please let it die.
Take league of lesbians with you, another casual cash-cow game.
Fortnite: Gets sued
Epic Games: "Ah shit, here we go again."
imagine that they find out what no lifer means
Ok so if a game is actually good and people like it then it’s apparently bad wow THANKYOU YOU STUPID PEOPLE
Why blame it on the game? Blame it on the parents, taking care of a kid is hard so you just let them play and spout bullshit? Idk how much time I've wasted on games and I can still control it.
Let's blame the video games not our bad parenting. ???
Bra that is sooooooo dum
This pisses me off because while people are sueing fortnite there are worse things in the world going
this is pathetic lol parents
fortnite sucks ass i dont enjoy it and i really love playing video games
that is like saying if you smoke your gunna get cancer
– JR has played 7,000+ games.
Me: used 7,000+ grams of Cocaine.
Brb guys gotta get my daily fortnite fix ??
Yay fortnite is getting sued cuz it’s dead
Dopamine is not a hormone. Great start to the research.
This whole situation is so cringy
Dude, wtf.
-literally my only reaction this entire thing
Played over 7000 games
Me as a 9-10 year old: 1500+ hours of Team Fortress 2, 2000+ hours minecraft
7000 games? I better not even speak about my stats then
Ok personally I think fortnite is a dog shit game. But that's me I hate shooters. Now that being said da fuck? People are so damn irresponsible they let their kids do whatever they want and when shit like this happens they try to blame others. I really don't get it man take some damn responsibility and look after your kids.
Well, you can't manage your children well and you blame the game which they addicted to. Funny. Excusitist
Oversea ppl are big brain tho
Keith looking either really high or ill haha
personally as a 14 yr old
fortnite is fking boring
im personally a league of legends player
If you have shitty parents , then you have shitty parents
Nah. It should be their parent's responsibility to warn their children.
Just a cover-up for lazy parenting
Why Selfie isn't included? Why posting sexy photos included?
Cant that be said for like every game ever?
You think this is bad? A legislator here in the Philippines wants to prohibit minors from playing "violent" video games like MK, PUBG, Tekken, GTA, and the like, quoting a recent study that "teenagers who are exposed to risk-glorifiying, character-based video games are more likely to act aggressively, drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes and engage in unprotected sex," and that "character-based video games let people practice being someone else, and practicing at being a character who is an antisocial deviant may have broad behavioral consequences for kids."
Source: https://www.gmanetwork.com/news/scitech/technology/710890/solon-wants-to-prohibit-minors-from-playing-lsquo-mature-rated-rsquo-video-games/story/?fbclid=IwAR1KhVkK398a4CbuQF5nf2jpR5gGG2gw6WSdJdLyvNQ3lzJ4Uk3aTko6grk