A online platform by name of “The Blast” has revealed the details of the contract Turner “Tfue” Tenney had with FaZe Clan. A leak from an unnamed source shared the publication with The Blast network. There really is a clause in the contract which was disputed by Tenney, that the club takes 80% of all sponsorship deals that it draws for Tfue. Yet we are still not sure that this Tfue agreement with FaZe Clan is genuine.
A contract leak confirmed Tenney’s statement that He was limited in his ability to join another organization. The contract states that all proposals must be agreed with FaZe. If another club made a proposal to Tfue within three months after the end of the contract, then FaZe has the exclusive right to offer the same conditions to the streamer and keep him signed.
Cruel Clauses
The contract also contains the clause: Obligations upon termination. According to it, if Tfue violates his duties, he is banned to play video games in public and cannot compete professionally for six months.
FaZe co-owner Richard Banks Bengtson commented on the situation. He said that Tenney’s original contract was “terrible” and also revealed that the organization had repeatedly offered him a new one, but he refused. Banks also added that none of the clauses of the Tfue contract were executed, and the organization earned only $ 60,000, which is equal to 20% of the two sponsorship deals.
A statement from FaZe Clan about contracts.
This video is 7:15 long, and for all those invested in this public discussion, we encourage you to watch it all the way through. Thank you. #FaZeUp pic.twitter.com/3FaN5rLAuJ
— FaZe Clan (@FaZeClan) May 24, 2019
Banks confirmed that FaZe Clan wants to publish the contract, yet he did not specify whether the leak to the network is genuine. The co-owner of FaZe added that he made a mistake by allowing “shitty people” to conduct business. Bengtson said he wanted to show the public all the contracts that the club offered to Tfue, but they couldn’t to do so since Tfue didn’t agree. In one of the messages, Banks asked Tenney to meet in person to resolve the dispute.
Tfue starting his own organization?
Videoblogger Daniel Keemstar Kim earlier said that Tfue plans to create his own organization. According to Jack Tenney, his brother Tfue wants to work independently with brands and “change gaming forever.” He believes that behind the emotions and friendships in FaZe there are corporate rules that would not allow Tfue to do this if had remained with the company.
Keemstar also announced that FaZe is going to publish a video commenting on the rumors about the new Tfue organization. Tenney himself has yet to respond to the situation.
Lets see how this drama will have an impact on the competitive landscape of eSports. Since now other players might raise their voice against the cruelties of the companies. We believe that the Tfue-FaZe controversy has surely opened eyes of these renowned brands. They will now surely think twice before offering such cruel terms to these hard working pro athletes.