Welcome to Clouted, episode 4.
This week on the internet xQc got banned for showing boobs on stream, we finally get a closer look at Project A, Na’Vi dominated at IEM Katowice, FaZe Dubs got suspended, Courage opens up about some of his biggest streaming anxieties and the best Post Malone cosplay we’ve ever seen.
We’ve got all the news for you on our newest episode of Clouted.
Written & Hosted by: Keith Capstick ( @keithcapstick) and Devin Jones (@milkshks)
Edited by: Matt Massey
Footage Courtesy of: https:
Music used under license from Associated Production Music LLC (”APM”).
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I'm 100% sure there have been several other games where the tits have been shown and a shot ton of streamers played it. How come this is bannable?
Anyone got the xQx VOD from February 29, 2020. I don't want the tidies but the game of Rainbow he played before rage quitting.
It’s not valorant, it’s valorant
Valorant = basically CSS and Overwatch mixed together.
idk why is everybody hyped so much for project .A i mean looking at the gameplay the movements and others looks like shit
so Valorant basically a CSGO,overwatch, fortnite hybrid
Woxic is the god of technical messups
Call it "vaLOREant one more time I stg" vahl-uhr-ahnt not vah-lohr-ahnt
R6 SIEGE: Goes 3yrs of high level play and fastest climbing esports game going from start to top 15 in viewership in 3yrs and has to wait until yr4 to get noticed.
Valorant: isnt even released yet and is being covered by escore….
Too much juice. PepeHands
what game was xqc playing ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
They were ok with the Witcher 3 boobs but not these boobs?
These 2 guys are cringe. Stop
Its not actually pronounced va-lorant right? Im getting memed here ya?
g2 and 3 game finals, name a better duo
And xqc is back poggers
try maybe stemming the word from ‘Valor’??? Like “Val-or-ant”? 

Twitch needs to lighten up and laugh a little nudity is natural why they even ban for that? Acting like its a taboo subject
So alinity gets humped by her dog, gives vodka to her cat and generally abuses her pets but dosent get banned.
This man shows tiddies on mistake and gets banned
IEM Katowica isnt just a CS GO tournement…
you guys rly dont car aboud SC2 dont you…
Riot's new FPS "Valorant" looks to be a hybrid of CS:GO/Overwatch but those two games look to be much better on their own than Valorant.
They act like theres a gun pointing at them
xQc ban is so bs got banned for showing cartoon tits this is redicioulos
I'm not much of an xQc fan but i do believe that it was an unfair ban. How about the people who play Rust where you literally see genital pretty clearly when looking at your inventory or some stuff like that. They have a thing against him for sure. And Valorant is looking good tho
Whats the game xqc played for research purposes
Wow. A streamer whose name alone brings in all the 10 year old Minecraft and Fortnite players got banned by showing cartoon tits on and got banned. Great esports content from an "esports" channel btw
Hello streamers reloaded. Let's jump into the news
“Certainly looks like a video game”
Ahh yes, the floor is made of floor
I just love your channel. You keep tabs on events and keep me updated every time I watch your video. Keep it up!
Girls on twitch getting naked for minors, its cool. Cartoon boobs, too far.
1:15 a little nice tf2 quote
Oh no couragr will make a few thousand less than the couple hundred thousands he makes a year. Must be so difficult
Na'Vi is just 4 incredible players, and then S1imple just trolling. I love it
didn't see this in my feed
This is the most xQc thing ever
Why should drawn boobs be not appropriate? I mean people watch hentai with children fucking in them daily and dont get arrested?
Get these boys a news desk
Please say xqc is perma banned
Well valorent be on console
Tbf ”Project A” sounds waaay better then ”Valorant”