Wunder’s Janna play will leave you breathless… for a price. What better way to put on a show for our big match against Fnatic! Relive all the crazy picks, plays and baron steals as we took first place in the LEC!
Which support will Wunder play next? Let us know in the comments below!
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best part: Jankos stealing baron and that laugh afterwards
Comment section: give the guy editing these videos a pay raise
G2: we'd like to continue doing that, but we can't keep giving pay raises to wunder just because he uses his spare time well during lec matches
Can't wait for voicecoms on that kill on hyli. 'He's inting, he's inting'
2:10 couldn't stop laughing
Lucky 13 jerkz
I want voice reaction when g2 lock in that janna. U NEED TO DO THIS
3:36 XDD
jankos really smurfed last weekend #LETSGOG2
Next season Wunder and Mikyx will swap lanes.
I don't know if this is popular opinion or not, but I believe that g2 is not as strong as last year's g2 with perkz on adc. Jankos is just smurfing hard, its becoming unreal, the guy is insane and in my book, in this form, the best jungler in the history of league.. coming from a fnc fan, the dude is just too good.
Damn ocelote with the mean tweet.
Haha best video eva
I can just imagine wunder doing senna top for some reason.
The voicecomms for Week 7 are gonna be spicy
the laughter is awesome, please keep doing it! Laughter on the Hylissang stun miss when he Caps was already stunned, no?
wait so perkz uses zhonyas at 2:37 and then uses it again at 2:42??? someone explain pls
Man ocelote just nailed the coffin of fnatic with that tweet lmao
Am I stupid or does Perkz use Zhonyas twice in the team fight at 2:37?
I'm offended you didn't put that kick of jankos into ekko
Looking at that fcking virgin perkz thinking about him self how bad he is feels good
As a FNC fan, this game felt soooo painful to digest with that Baron. Well, gg G2. Still the kings of Europe, we'll settle for second.
Jankos laugh is everything
Even though im a FNC fan, this was jokes. Good job editor
Perkz's akali was rough, he got f-ed by that gragas so many times
I feel like we know another roleswap with Wunder going support maybe TheShy will join our army he can quite speak English
The papa Perkz comment at the end
Don't forget to sub on Perk's stream
3:35 <3
selfmade need a hug for more not to nervously 333333333 he carry fnc
i have to admit when i saw g2's comp vs fnc i was a VERY sceptical.
akali might be good at destroying someone in 1 second, but she lacks the energy(regen) to do it all the time. and ezreal really isnt the type of adc who needs 2 supports. he is pretty save and can do just fine with his pretty long range q.
so the 2 PURE supports made me nervous.
and for a long time it also didnt look like g2 is powerful enough to beat a comp that has some serious damage and sustain at the same time.
but you guys did it. idk if fnc could have played better and crushed you guys, but you still won.
i wonder if fnc would have won if they got the baron. as you guys had absolutely no waveclear at all and ezreal has serious problems when the enemy has a big minion wave that blocks all his q's.
still: pls dont do that again lol. at least pick an adc like kaisa or varus or tristana.
That Jankos laugh!!! Oh my sides!!!
Jankos is a god
yo am i watching a trick2g video what is this editing
So gooooooooooood vibes
G2 PogU
lol that burn from Carlos at the end
It’s so funny cuz fnc so sweaty and g2 just destroys their dreams with ease
3:37 XDDDD