Wunder to LPL confirmed?! They couldn’t ask for a better gift for Chinese New year. We got the boys to try out some Chinese calligraphy.
Have you ever tried calligraphy? Let us know in the comments below.
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Perkz must be protected, the evil people over the world must be away from him. He's SO FCKIN CUUUTE
Mikyx's drawing looks the prettiest lol
if the entire g2 team went to china and played for the LPL for half a year, id totally support them IF they promise to come back to eu.
i think that g2 has a style thats very similar to the chinese one and in this 1shot meta, this style is dominating (i mean china won 2 worlds in a row for a reason) it would be such a great thing for g2.
but its so unlikely.
G2 realizes that China is a big market but didn’t realize YouTube is banned in China ??? (I know they have an official channel in the Chinese platform but…)
That's midlaners' syndrom to demand a blue so hard xD
the next day is Tết holyday of Vietnam
"Every line you write should be slowly and thoughtful"
Miky and Wunder: Let's play tic tac toe
A liczyłem na jakieś skromne JD od Jankosa
Wunder is really talented, I'm surprised tho! GJ wunder!
If you can't beat LPL, join them XD
chicken rabbit team really good keep it up
Is this how you become the greatest league team in Europe?
this worlds will be a european worlds, second best region obviously, and the coronavirus will kill off most of the lpl so we have a better chance
This got recommended ewwww pathetic ?
Typical lesson in kindergarten, they re learning how to write
TheShy => Wunder ?
Free Hong Kong, revolution of our times
No bastaba con regalarles un mundial?
And … did caps forget he 2 time 0-3in world final meet lpl team ?
Hey g2 thank for you all , and good luck in this year
What a fraud-
They stole those Kanji from Japanese!
春 haru, 福 fuku, 吉 yoshi and 兔 usagi. And they even drew chicken wrong! 鶏.
a Weeb
AYAYAthx g2