Wunder goes bananas for Soraka top lane! Our LEC Spring 2020 Week 2 Moments are here! so watch all the best bits as we secured another 2-0 week!
What champ should Wunder play next in the top lane? Let us know in the comments below!
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Jankos: nukeduck will sure die a lot tomorrow.
G2 editors: wait we were supposed to show that?
I love you guys <3
Cheers from Poland for all G2 <3
Jankos trashtalking was the best moment of LEC this week.
Where is mic check?? :(((
Deym, Banana OP ?
You could put the great moments that did show OG maaan ;'(. Anyway that's a blow off
i really hope g2 doesnt meet a chinese team in msi bracket stage. last year we only lost one b05 but we never beat a chinese team all year. went 0-2 vs IG in msi groups and got swept by FPX. we slaughter koreans and NA(lul) because they play a slower style, which works in their regions and they are not very proactive( the only exception being c9 but they didnt have good enough players to match g2, but at least they dont bend over like liquid and i respect that. they look much better this year and i hope they go to msi cuz they have a much better shot internationally than liquid cuz they are more proactive and more fun to watch. liquid u always know what they are gonna do but most of the times enemy teams cant rly do anything about it.) . however, chinese teams are born in the fiesta that is the lpl( just watch fpx vs IG game 4), but their players are also really insane and they are able to match g2( IG has rookie and theshy, the 2 best solo laners in the world. in my opinion rookie was the only mid laner that could match caps in any way, cuz he is dominant in lane but also knows how to roam. theshy is a motherfucking raid boss. fpx just permaroamed with doinb and g2 couldnt really figure out a champion to stop that. i actually think that when they picked that pyke they should have picked talon. pyke was there to roam, but talon pushes faster, roams really fast so even if naut moves first he can catch up and they would be equally useful in late game.).
A little late to say this but why is Perk’s name fully capitalized now
Cant wait for voicecomms
G2 are so damn good they can just pick straws for who plays any position and still win
Who ever edits these are seriously one of the better editors on youtube atm.
G2 editor should get payed more!
So in love with this guys <3 Best team in the world
You know that feeling you get after watching a league cinematique, all the hype, i get that shit from g2 videos… But i int the game anyways
1:09 the Dunkey audio. Legendary org ?
lol the og game was over before it even started. Grabbz completely ended their lives before they could even start playing league.
I want the grandslam this year and I think this G2 team is already stronger than last year probably because of this meta
1:23 best part of this video
1:54 biiig oof
Mic mic mic mic… More mic
1:09 i did not know the dunk is playing for G2?
You guys missed the "perkz wall jump try" from the match
Are we going to ignore the fact that G2's editor is legendary!?!?!?
This team man… this team… fun to watch even if they‘re not playing. <3
Grääääbz and Jankos shittalk were more interesting than the actual games ?
Ngl the video editing is a bit baby taste.. Your fanbase isn't only 12 year olds man.
The boys are having so much fun, love it!!!
1:27 i cant remember from where this sound is from can someone help?
@ 2:30 I nearly died of laughter ?????????????? that edit killed me.
Great weekend boys! ♥️ #G2Army
best team EU
Whoever edits these videos. I love you!
You guys need to move to LCK. It is boring when you dominate everyone