The New York Excelsior have gone undefeated so far this Season 2 of Overwatch League and have done it with ease so far. Today Malik breaks down what he thinks it will take for the NYXL to be knocked down a peg and which team is going to do it.
What Will It Take to Knock the NYXL Down a Peg??? Overwatch League 2019 Season 2
The New York Excelsior have gone undefeated so far this Season 2 of Overwatch League and have done it with ease so far. Today Malik breaks down what he thinks it will take for the NYXL to be knocked down a peg and which team is going to do it.
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It's gonna be Chengdu Hunters. Best team in the league by a mile. Nobody can compare.
Let London spitfire beat dragons then come talk to me
LA Glads is the only team that Will be able to take Down ny in this current meta. Bumper never looked like a top tier maintank. Dont @ me
It’s not London or Philly that will beat NYXL……. it’s Chengdu
Ur mom momommomo. Becus she is a atom bomb 2 bomb. The team…
i think if there is going be a more dps like meta sf schock has the biggest chance too win against nyxl