Super Smash Bros. is probably the craziest gaming crossover in the world.
It’s the only arena where Mario can fight Sonic, Cloud, Pikachu, Pac-Man and Mega Man at the same time. And with every iteration, it has put together an even larger cast of Nintendo’s most famous characters.
But one notable omission from the Nintendo roster has gotten fans up in arms and going to war.
Written by: Daniel Rosen (@Daniel_Rosen)
Edited and graphics by: Christian Pearson (@Chr_Pearson)
Produced and hosted by: Josh Bury (@Thrown_Gauntlet)
Produced & shot by: Miles Hackett (@miles_hackett)
Music used under license from Associated Production Music LLC (”APM”).
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If I had a $1 for every time they say "To understand ________, we have to look at where it came from"
What is waluigi? He is garbage meme who people "like" because they are unoriginal bandwagons
Still, waluigi supposed to be in smash
Fuh Waluigi’s bitch ass.
Wtf 3:20 ????
Yoshi's Woolly World fails to even recognize Waluigi's Amiibo as a legitimate playable character. Such disrespect. lol
1:06 just about killed me
Going to have to wait for the new Mario soccer game.
Waluigi is the best Mario series character ever.
I never cared about this character one bit, don't really get why people want him so badly.
when the character is soo bad it become Meme
What about WaYoshi?
Waluigi is the best character in the entire fucking Mario canon, he's got the most character, this's his backstory that most never realize:
he's so much smarter & more powerful than everyone else & as a result sees Mario & especially Luigi as undeserving of their fame, but at the same time he's repeatedly rejected from playing in tennis matches while Bowser of all people gets to play karts with them. So one day he shows up with his best & only friend to a tennis game anyways & is still rejected & looked down upon. So he snaps, he decides he hates the world & now wants to watch it burn. & that's Waluigi
In all honesty, memes aside, Waluigi is my favorite character by far!
Waluigi isn’t coming to smash get over it
Nice-u, nice-u
Very nice joshu-chan
If you want to waluigi to smash go to the smash ballot I will find the link
I’m still waiting for shadow the hedgehog
Pretty much just trolling. Sora please and thank you.
Wario is better
Waluigi is more important the fucking pokemon,fire emblem and daisy.
I am actually Russian, so… RISE UP COMRADE WALUIGI
Go to hell wah for hating waluigi wah
To me, adding Waluigi is like adding Goku, it’s stupid really
He is a sexy boi