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Three months ago, Rainbow Six Siege was on top of the world — the 2020 Invitational was gigantic and more people were playing the game then ever.
But now? Pro players are leaving, content creators don’t want to play the game and Reddit is blowing up with negative thread after negative thread.
So what happened?
Written and Hosted by Devin Jones (@milkshks)
Edited and Shot by: Colten Gowan (@TheOnlyZoltan)
Have a tip for the Don’t @ Me team? Email us at: tips@thescore.com
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Music used under license from Associated Production Music LLC (”APM”).
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What is bothering you guys most right now about Siege?
I wonder if this guy plays siege or just asks pro players to say shit they don’t like about the game and say it’s also the community’s stance.
The community on this game is the definition of cancer
I don’t see the utilities issue in ranked only pro League. So not many people deal with that. I’m only plat so i don’t know what diamond+ deal with
The thing I hate the most about this game is how there is m+k players on console . Fucking fortnite did something about that if that game could do that why ubi wont even talk about it it's really devastating reaching diamond or plat and see that 90% of the players are on mouse and keyboard I honestly leave the game frome time to time becouse of that shit
You guys went out of your way to make a video about Siege's hacker problem and BattleEye
Im surprised you haven't made a video about Valorant already being flooded with cheaters and the failure that is Vanguard anti cheat
Audio, Head shot hit reg, Cheater every single game, Ddos. Bum sound. Literally lost 250 pts this season because or cheaters. Like i mainly solo q.
So if people are complaining about utilities then that has always been a core ingredient to R6S's gameplay. It's up to defenders to defend while attackers attack with better guns.
It's an attackers job to communicate with his team (and the new update will let people with out a mic ping gagets on surface areas) that is siege… Ubisoft didn't come up with the idea of "romamers" the community did and Ubisoft adapted with what people was doing to there gameplay.
Showing a clip of boulo going down the stairs and getting goo'd on club house is boulo's fault, he kept pushing and getting goo'd. the other team was exchangeing information and smoked him out its that simple.
Sure maybe defenders should have fewer gadgets but the rise of hard breachers and attackers rushing in will be what siege has never been intended to be… Fast.
It's a slow paced game of chess just with guns and gadets. Having a few gadgets will make the game more fast paced where siege wanted to be its own thing and it's methodical. Watching every corner, drone-ing, camera work, map placement, leading from your fails to adapt to any defender bunkering down in OBJ
As for the cheaters tho they can royaly fuck off cause they honestly hurt the game for me
You wannna know why? Warzone has appeared
All the dislikes are the r6s dev team
Hey what about: " How tf that was not a kill, i shot him/her in head wtf"

I have 650 hours on siege and I've never ran into a single cheater
Got enough ramen bro?
Sweats ruined this game quite a bit IMO.
Same with fortnite and COD these games were all fun until people started playing like their lifes would be relying on it.
So many games a being messed up from hackers .hackers arent ruining siege they ruining the entire gaming community
Its so pathetic how there are so many hackers and how play kn another account after they banned to just banned again but ruin peoples day
the siege community just cries too much
lol some of these arguments are frustrating to deal with. You cant bash on a game you barely play. Your saying the buck nerf was bad but he could literally could do anything as an attacker by seen by his pick rate in pro league. You also say "too much utility" but defenders are locked to just 45 seconds to set their strat up and are prone to a rush. Attackers have higher damage guns and more access to Acogs. The only problems I see rn (on console) would be booting and toxicity. Their little report button doesnt do shit and gets frustrated when my whole team reports a booter and he walks off with free elo. Later to find out he has a ss on his account of him hitting champ. But hey, it is what it is.
Just by looking at his background,I feel hungry af
It started going wrong when they removed the nades from buck, it was downhill from there on
i ve beeng playing since 2017 for like everyday, now i dont play, game is in so bad situacion and only makes me mad
idk man. I stopped playing recently because of the ddos attacks and elo hell
Siege devs have always been dumb. The game has been terrible since grim sky
I'm still pissed off about the spawn kill meta
I liked the twin lens reflex medium format 6×6, don’t listen to them bro
I liked the twin lens reflex medium format 6×6, don’t listen to them bro
wish he wouldve included the slow sluggish movement they keep adding slower ads times on all guns slow leaning and crouching
Idk about you but i think the rankedsystem is trash. The more you play and try to get betther the less rewards you get for winning a hard ranked match. It can be frustrating if you win and you get like 20 points as an reward. I also know that ranks doesnt really matter but for me, someone who isnt in esports, the rank is a motivation to go on and it just feels good to reach a rank you never had.
I haven’t played in a good 5 months
Rank game shouldve profile photo verification so they know who tf is cheating
The utility meta and hackers are only really a problem for the top 10% (although there are still hackers in lower ranks) and buck losing his frags might have made him a B tier op instead of an A or S tier op but that doesn't make him suddenly unplayable, let alone makes the entire game bad. The game really isn't that bad but what really bothers me is the community itself alwaya whining about every slight problem or balance change they don't like without listening to the reasoning ubisoft gave. There are many people happy with the state of the game although it can use some improvements but the minority is just very vocal.
As soon as buck loss his grenades I had to find a new main buck can't work without grenades
The original developers left that's the main problem that can't be fixed.
Is it just me but streamers who complain about stream sniping are being kids. Like boo fucking hoo someone is watching your stream and playing against you, thats not fucking cheating, thats you streaming for them to watch…
I think siege is dying
Ever since the big update. I can't play anymore
The siege cheating problem wouldn’t be bad if they bought a better battle eye but they wont