Camping – you either love it, or you hate it. In real life, it’s the act of hunkering down with a tent in a quiet, secluded area to marvel at nature’s glory.
But in gaming the act is rooted in far more devious intentions…
Written by: Josh Bury (@ThrownGauntlet)
Produced, Edited & Hosted by: Miles Hackett
Shot by: Sean Wetselaar (@SeanWetselaar) & Shihab Mian (@ShihabMian)
Illustrated animations by: Christian Pearson (@Chr_Pearson)
Cameos by: Christian Pearson (@Chr_Pearson), Colten Gowan (@TheOnlyZoltan) and Dimitri Pascaluta (@DPascaluta)
Footage credits:
Music used under license from Associated Production Music LLC (”APM”).
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It is a completely legitimate strategy…when used honourably by snipers at the proper long distance.
I thought you were gonna talk about fighting game camp. But I guess that’s a subject for a whole other video…
If u camp in seige and csgo i see u as ight
If u camp in any other game u can go straight to the pits of hell
All right wingers please stop playing video games. Your Trump daddy says it's why u can't stop killing irl. Sad
I remember the good old days in call of duty with ‘CAMPING’
COD Ghost in a nutshell:
Dota 2 clips wasn't camping its more like dominating their opponents. Please dont put OG clip with others noob campers.
If you camp, you suck period ??
Where is josh anyway?
You're wrong about camping in Battle Royals. In the book, Battle Royal, the Japanese government forces the children together by making certain areas forbidden. Their collars explode if they go inside the forbidden zones. Games devs who copied the battle Royal format also copied the shrinking space, the easiest way of doing that to be to have a shrinking circle.
about time you put in some tf2 clips fuckheads
Why you doin my boy Dyrus like that :/
When my friends watch me play CSGO, they say, “Bruh, your so bad, stop camping.” I just tell them it’s “ strategic waiting”.
They don’t even play CSGO
In warface there is so many campers
2:49 eyyy FUNKe
This is really sad that you didn't talk about camping in Fighting game genre :/
Camping WERIDchamp
the sad part is 80% of the time camping in league of legends is not actually camping, i get call camper a lot when i am playing jungle but here is the thing, if i just gank you and kill you cause you are pushing the line to hard and you dint see me press b why would you come to line again and push the line or start a fight? there is a really good chance i am doing one of the monster camps not far from you so i can go back and kill you again.
I recently remenber killing a pantheon 3 times in a row in around 3 minutes, with 4 ganks, the reason? well he was pushing pretty hard and my garen dint know how to trade with pantheon.
So first gank the pantheon use his W, E and Flash to get to savety, i go and do rift scuttler, the pantheon is pushing again without goin to base (he use a potion) so i go, i gank and kill him, he start calling me camper already.
After that i go get the gromp mean while the pantheon use TP and again push the line, so i gank him for a third time, and kill him again, now he is asking for report for his jungle who was ganking bot at the moment.
Finally i go and do a gank mid cause it was push (thinking about going back to base after all that) only to notice the pantheon use ulti to get to tower faster and is pushing like crazy again, so i go back and kill him for a third time, he start insulting me like crazy and start trolling all other lines lol
Someone tag this to sweaty pubg seas region players
Sorry, the rage reactions from some of these people that got owned were too hilarious
I only play cs:go. I don't camp, I hold corners. Part of the game.
Although back when I didn't know how to play at all, I kinda held back a bit. Now I entry…I just entry at odd times
I laughed. I'm not even ashamed of admitting that gave me massive schadenfreude.
Isn't that my boy from PopCross Studios?
6:33 perfectly cut scream haha
This is war,come get me
Next video what is shooting
Glad to see somebody else who knows the actual meaning of camping and not the CoD morons who say anyone not running in circles looking for frags when there is an objective outside kills is less skilled.
Everyone who gets killed by someone standing still is just plain bad.
How to deal with campers?
Call in orbital strikes.
Death to all campers
Camping is a play style In CSGO
medic heavy combos: am i a joke to you?
Isnt camping a part of strategy? Why treat it like some sort of an epidemic? ?
Unless u play rainbow six siege cause then most people do it
Soldier of fortune had a anti camp feature. If you stayed in one area for too long it would strip you of your weapon and you would run around with your hands in the air
Tactical non-movement
What is Camping? Dyrus suffering.
For me I only hate it in call of duty
Thank God, there's no camping in csgo
If you don't camp in real life, you're an idiot
Hey!! Could you make a video on the peeps winning Montreal dreamhack!!!! Three 16 years old beat the world champion and the world champion finalist in the semi finals and finals !!! Awesome Cinderella story ! Would be great to see you tell this amazing Cinderella story !
Camping is a guilty pleasure
Well done as always Sir Miles.
You have to block people who camp so you don't have to keep dealing with it. I have blocked plenty of people on Cod IW because they camp too much. This way I don't get matched up with them. I have killed campers and it has no, merit. You just start to realize how poor they have to be to camp.
Is this a hint that The Story of Dyrus is in the works?
when you will do half the work for me and expose yourself to find action, i will do half the work and kill you when you brainlessly do what i think you will, thereby making me right for camping. everyone camping isn't unethical. it's just not preferable to you. you are butthurt and are resorting to "ethics" manipulation that no one has any incentive to follow if they simply don't want to. people who can't accept that other people have the right to play for whatever reason they want are going to bring about more suffering to their gaming experience. hate the game for rewarding camping, not the player conforming to it. if you can't get yourself to do it, then that's a you problem. KAN'T TOUCH THIS.
I don’t mind it
The audio is very quiet on this video.
Was that popcross studios in the intro?
Edit: yes it was. Cool crossover I never knew about