Vitality Benches Bo, as their Chinese star jungler is not living up to expectations – but his replacement is a bit surprising.
It’s not an exaggeration to say that Team Vitality has had a horrible showing in the last two weeks: the team which won the LEC Winter Regular Season, then made it to the top 4 of the Spring Groups, finishing at 3rd place overall has only won 1 match so far in the League of Legends EMEA Championship’s Summer Split.
Vitality Benches Bo
Their players are struggling individually, as Zhou “Bo” Yang-Bo ranks at the bottom according to stats sites such as Games of Legends, and even their legends like Luka “Perkz” Perkovic and Elias “Upset” Lipp unable to carry matches – bar one, where Perkz showed the strength of Statikk Shiv LeBlanc. Vitality is not only struggling because of it’s players unable to perform to the abilities they showed off in the previous Splits, they seem to be uncapable of working as a unit as well: they make a frightening amount of mistakes in teamfights, skirmishes and macro plays as well, looking like 5 (extremely high level) SoloQ players.
In the old LEC system, this wouldn’t be much of a problem, as they could just recuperate in the Regular Season, which would still have 6 weeks left. But in 2023, the three individual LEC splits are split into three subsections as well: the Regular Season, the Group Stage and the Playoffs. From the Regular Season, only the 8 best teams qualify for the Groups, and Team Vitality is currently in last place, with only 3 matches remaining from the first third of Summer. This means that Team Vitality must win all three of it’s matches, and teams such as Team BDS, SK Gaming, KOI and Astralis needs to have a terrible showing so that VIT can surpass them – or at least have a chance at a Tiebreaker.
But Who Will be the Jungler for VIT?
According to sources, Vitality is doing everything in their power to achieve a 3-0 weekend, as they are reportedly swapping out their weakest link, Bo for another jungler. But while Oskar “Selfmade” Boderek has been contracted to the team since May 2021, they have a different Pole in mind: Kacper “Daglas” Dagiel, who is currently playing for their Academy team, Vitality.Bee.
Daglas has played in LDN UTD as a substitute at the start of his career, with whom he managed to win the Winter Showdown UK 2021 Playoffs. He then joined a Greek team named Anorthosis Famagusta Esports and went on to dominate the 2022 Greek Legends League, winning the Summer Playoffs, and qualifying for the 2022 Summer European Masters with his teammates, they went on to the Main Event of the EUM, but only secured one win the Group Stage. He then joined the LFL as a player for Vitality.Bee, but failed to qualify for the Playoffs, as they only got 7th place in the Spring Regular Season. They are currently at 6th place in the Summer Split with a 4-6 scoreline, tied with LDLC OL.
Daglas prefers picks such as Bel’Veth, Nocturne, Wukong and Vi, but he also won a match with Kayn this week. He doesn’t rank that high in terms of KDA and Assists, but he has the 2nd highest CS/Minute in the LFL, with the highest Vision/Minute in the whole ERL. He doesn’t seem like a perfect answer for Team Vitality, but if you look at the stats, he’s doing better than Bo at the moment. He’s also Polish, so he should be easier to communicate with, and as one of the main struggles of Vitality was communication because of their Chinese jungler and Korean toplaner, this swap should at least help them in that department. Of course, fans should be harsh on Daglas, as he’s only 17 years old, which means he has a whole career ahead of him, and his potential is infinite, as he’s playing in the strongest ERL at such a young age.
However, Team Vitality already has a slim chance of making it to the next stage of the LEC, and while a rookie jungler could bring some new life to this team, Daglas might not be enough to make a miracle. Hopefully, he’s like Martin “Yike” Sundelin, and can flip the script in order to help his teammates erase the mistakes of the past!