Alright, it’s time to talk about Valorant.
It’s time to talk about the cheaters, the pros, the twitch numbers, the game itself, the future its esports scene… and what it’ll do to CS:GO.
Is it going to kill Counter-Strike?
Written and Hosted by: Colin McNeil (@McNeilColin)
Edited by: Colten Gowan (@TheOnlyZoltan)
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Be honest. What do you wish CS:GO had that Valorant has?
I'd like to clarify that I'm neither a computer engineer nor any kind of professional in the field, I'm just someone who's interested in the subject and have limited knowledge on this matter, but here's my 2 cents on Riot's implementation of anti-cheat on Valorant, aka Vanguard.
The thing about Vanguard is that it doesn't just "run as soon as your computer boot up", it requires direct access to the innermost kernel permissions of Windows. It means that the file constantly runs in the background 24/7 with highest administrator access and privileges to your system as soon as the pc boots up, even when the game is not running (an actual backdoor/rootkit).
Even though Riot themselves (Arkem) assured that the file doesn't scan, collect or send any data from your machine, and even disregard Riot's parent company (Tencent) having massive ties with the PRC who have a history of having backdoors in pretty much any major corporation in the West, this extensive and continuous monitoring of your system is a huge flag. Even if the devs (or even Tencent) really means no ill intention in designing this anti-cheat, it can still be exploited by people with malicious intents. And if they end up having access to it there's not much you can do to save your system from the damage because the file runs with the highest authority access to the kernel. You're giving up a lot of control and risking a lot of your system's safety in exchange of "a better anti-cheat". One side affect of this is that you won't be able to run the game in VM so if you're not using Windows you're out of luck since there's no support for Mac or Linux (as of this moment). Yes from what I can find, you can play with Mac in Bootcamp.
There're couple of ways they could've done it better, without having to seek control of your entire system, like only execute the anti-cheat when there's any trace of Valorant's processes running in the system, or letting users opt out of the entire system rootkit option upon installation of the game (implement some partial monitoring at surface levels), or just simple dial back on the amount of control it requires over your system in general.
Again, all these are summary of all the details that you can find in this video: I highly suggest you check it out as he's way more qualified than I am in this subject. This is not a mean to discourage you from playing the game or to diss Valorant nor the developers as they worked their asses off on this. This is just to give you some information and trade off that you need to consider before getting it. Sorry for the wall of text, stay safe and have a nice day.
In Algeria we have a big cs community
Should probably have mentioned the viewer numbers on twitch are FOR SURE alot of bots and idle accounts trying to get drops..
I'm sure valorant could beat the record any way. But the fact that you can get dropped the beta is for sure spiking up the numbers big time.
Coz it's gonna be better than csgo
No it won’t kill cs. Csgo definitely does the tactical shooter thing better, valorant just has the abilities which gives an opportunity to have crazier strats. The valorant sound after getting a kills also makes it very satisfying
not gonna even gonna watch this vid 0:20 no not in a million years
Counter-Strike has been a franchise for TWENTY FUCKING YEARS, to assume one shooting game that has similar gameplay would come along and somehow kill the franchise would be more 100% the fault of Valve and not the fan-base, the one thing that is for sure is that having competition means having to pick up the slack and put out more content.
Thats the thing theres so many flip-flops like yeah they need to put out more content now but the community creates such fantastic content that they don't NEED to add too much to keep the community going. I really hope at the end of the day this creates more dialogue and interaction between Valve and the CS community, if anything is needed that's it.
So, u are a CSGO fan boy and getting emotional and can't see it die
People has different opinions. But Riot is so good in introducing their game in the esport scene ngl
CS:GO, Valorant, CoD, PUBG, Fortnite, and Apex are all absolute gutter trash. It’s a no from me.
bro i know csgo will never die so valorant is just another overwatch clone and i’ll play it if i enjoy it but please let’s just make them coexist
You forgot the "a" and "t" in beat in the title
Its not a CS:GO reskin at all, its more of a bastard love child of CoD and Fortnite. The only thing that reminds me of CS is the buy menu.
holy shit! Your movement on csgo hurts my eyes!
Stopped watching when he said Dota and League are at least as similar as CS:GO and Valorant. Absolutely false, the delta between the MOBAS is dramatically larger than that between the FPS's. An enormous amount of new knowledge is required for one player to become competitive in another MOBA and the games have different skillsets they demand due to different hero design philosophies.
I think the only ppl who will switch to Valorant from CS:GO will be players like Brax as he's banned from majors anyways so… why not…and maybe other 'Pros' without teams hoping to get a running headstart on winning tourneys before others catch up skill wise.
@me hehehehehehe
Lol and dota 2 one made by riot. cs go valorant one made by riot. Hm i see a patern here.
I too think it's good because valve will change and bring new content to CSGO under pressure of avalorant
I was playing since late CS1.5 till cs:go and lets be honest. Valorant already have bigger commit from devs. Already better community, many more things to improve etc.
Both will coexist, like seriously, stop crying around this game will die, that game will die.
valorant is shit. just another cartoon game with pixar graphics. its horrible. not even in the same leage as csgo. its forknite with first person view. horrible.
Love those vids<3
Even their anti cheat name is copied from CSGO lol
Next video…how "Breaking Twitch Records" needs to stop being mentioned as a big deal in the age of view bots. Valorant had hundreds of fake accounts setup to mine keys. Not just a Valorant issue, but a huge Twitch issue in general.
Don't use cringe clickbait titles like this.
I was pleasantly surprised by your correct pronunciation of PC방s in S.Korea. Nice one!
"People relax, it's still in beta, it's going to fix so many things before it goes live" Ya…but…other than artwork and some bugs what else is there to fix? At it's core, it's not really worth all the hype. It's a csgo reskin with the only thing being new is the abilities. There's nothing innovative about the game. You can make it look pretty but unless they have numerous maps and guns already ready to pump out as new content when it goes live, then what is the real offer here.
Why always compare just because they're in the same genre

So because you enjoy CSGO more Valorant can never take it's place. Great content!
Considering valorant got exposed for literally planting a root kit on your pc that runs even if valorant is off i dont think valorant will make it, it's already having controversy at beta lol
Bruhh cheaters in beta "we have the best anticheat"
I don't know if it's been said, but the fact many people are in lockdown is part of the reason twitch records are being broken. If it's all everyone is talking about, and you don't have much to do anyway, at some point or another, you're gonna hop on to twitch to watch valorant