Home Videos This Streamer Got Someone Banned

This Streamer Got Someone Banned

by devaccess

Nightblue vs. Nubrac, Riot vs. their players and Teemo vs. good sense.

Last week, League of Legends fans got up in arms over a pretty interesting issue.

At the end of it all, people were left with two big questions: Do streamers have too much power over Riot? And is playing an off-meta strat a good reason to get banned?

It’s kind of complicated, but we’re going to walk you through both sides of the arguments, explain why everyone is mad at each other, and hopefully, figure out why the hell a LoL streamer compared himself to Rosa Parks.

Daniel ACTUALLY played ADC on-hit Galio, and won:

Edited by: Dennis Gonzales (@Tarmanydyn)
Hosted by: Daniel Rosen (@Daniel_Rosen)

Footage courtesy of:

Nightblue3 clips
Courtesy: Nightblue3

Nubrac clips
Courtesy: Nubrac

League of Legends clips
Courtesy: Riot Games

Dexerto articles
Courtesy: Dexerto

Music used under license from Associated Production Music LLC (”APM”).

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Sami Hanna June 19, 2019 - 6:24 pm

Was with Nubrac until the MLK and Rosa Parks thing… Why does he think that as a white male he can compare himself to them? People who literally gave their life for equal rights…

Demon Sword June 19, 2019 - 6:24 pm

there is no law stating u have to play a certain way in lol.

peter peng June 19, 2019 - 6:24 pm

bans teemo supp but doesnt ban tristana jungle by nightblue

nartin9 June 19, 2019 - 6:24 pm

I had a tf jungle in a ranked game why can't I get him banned?

SlacKerZ1 zzz June 19, 2019 - 6:24 pm

Don't use stupid picks in ranked.
It's that simple.

pGmaX1ma June 19, 2019 - 6:24 pm

Or don't play "off meta" in ranked games

YokarGaming June 19, 2019 - 6:24 pm

“Riot spent years designing their game”

Really? The balance team is a joke right now.

All Good Things comes to an End June 19, 2019 - 6:24 pm

As a LoL player in the past and still currently enjoying competitive plays, I would like to say that both should have been punished.
NB3 way of handling this is bad, but if we took in context that through the LPP discord screenshot, apparently Nubrac is already on riot's radar. If all NB3 mention on the discord was just "hey anyone faced this other streamer and have a bad experience?" and not mentioning his "riot friend" things would be slightly better.
As for nubrac, his attitude is the real problem with me, not wanting to communicate and ruining the experience for multiple members and even with his claims that sivir is "supposed" to be good at 1v2 on paper but getting dived 3v1 whole game isn't. Irelia didn't really needed "help" from him and even after getting first blood for Irelia he stayed and took soaked xp and to make matters worse lvl 6 vs lvl 4 is a huge disadvantage.
Experimenting new strat is cool but ruining the experience for others isn't, i went and look at the stream vod and their ADC, MID and NB3 is sending tickets since they already planned on ff @ 15. Streamers getting more attention isn't anything new.

reg trigger June 19, 2019 - 6:24 pm

Riot and shit company. Name a better duo

Alexander Vecchioni June 19, 2019 - 6:24 pm

NB3 should have been perma'd after his defamation of imaqtpie, tbh.

Corey Faith June 19, 2019 - 6:24 pm

So they just lost any new players. I played once or twice I didnt know the rules picked someone I liked. Cant do that anymore or you get banned hmmm

taguinerd June 19, 2019 - 6:24 pm

Fuck league of legends. There is no concept of a meta change in that game. Just look at how less than 50% of its entire hero pool gets picked during tournaments. Compare it to Dota 2 which had over 80% of its heroes being played at The International with different roles and strats. What is the use of releasing a new champion every month when its just the same old shit?

FireDSF June 19, 2019 - 6:24 pm

if the argument is "he was experimenting" then he should have "experimented" in a normal or bot game, not in a ranked, it's that easy, riot promotes experimentation but you should never ruin the experience for people and even more if it's a ranked game wich is important for their players/streamers. Like is THAT easy.

Moose Di Pirates June 19, 2019 - 6:24 pm

Let me get this clear… so they ban someone for going support teemo mid while also supporting the duo support bot lane (sona&taric) and hasn't said a word about the the supports in top lane (karma & tahm)

David Lu June 19, 2019 - 6:24 pm

wait… On hit Galio is troll?

Konosch June 19, 2019 - 6:24 pm

imagine playing the game your way

Deira City June 19, 2019 - 6:24 pm

So, literally everyone playing bruisers botlane when it was "meta" should be banned? Am I right?

Moose Di Pirates June 19, 2019 - 6:24 pm

Both were wrong in my opinion

Konosch June 19, 2019 - 6:24 pm

spit on nightblue

Bud_ June 19, 2019 - 6:24 pm

dumb game…

Resident Cuck June 19, 2019 - 6:24 pm

Riot Season 1: Why the fuck are people trying to play jungle so hard?
Riot Season 2: Ok well, we can at least support it
Riot then on: Alright, so, so long as you don't troll, and you try your best, we like it 🙂
Random person: Picks literally anything not on meta
Riot: :)….. >:(

Kevin Paul Barnaiha June 19, 2019 - 6:24 pm

This is why dota is better than LoL

Festus Drago June 19, 2019 - 6:24 pm


Inbikutasu Fukutzu June 19, 2019 - 6:24 pm

Well im in PH I play LOL with my friends I admit we are toxic in the chat but not in real life while DOTA 2 players are more toxic (in my opinion) because when my friends and I playing on a computer shop I always see and heard DOTA 2 players are screaming so loud AF and smashed the mouse and keyboard and blaming it that those thing are useless compare to their skills. (Sorry for my poor grammar). So dont compare and say that LOL is toxic and trash than DOTA 2.

DUxMORTEM June 19, 2019 - 6:24 pm

Sooooooo in short LOL literally sounds like a total joke from that… like really i have played many games where just fucking around leads to some cool stuff but apparently trying something new, even with a clear plan and reason for it, gets you a 2 week ban then why play LOL when Dota 2 is obviously better when thats the case.

lolmikes June 19, 2019 - 6:24 pm

league players see a roamer in they game and their brain turns off and don't know how to react. just report, report, report.

CLNCJD94 June 19, 2019 - 6:24 pm

NB3 is such a toxic player how has he not been banned

Project Meh June 19, 2019 - 6:24 pm

The funniest part is that people way back when mocked people that played 1top 1mid 1jungle 2bot, the game didn't use to be played like that, I think it was M5 that popularised the play style

Anfernee Tolentino June 19, 2019 - 6:24 pm

Sometimes when the enemy supp is on top lane I ask my supp to come top and the supp comes top while both adc's have a FUN TIME on bot lane

Mehmood Bhutta June 19, 2019 - 6:24 pm

NB3 acted like a kid yes.. but if i had teemo living mid all game sharing my exp i would go afk too, plus i think in this current meta better bot wins anyways

SWEEVP GAMING June 19, 2019 - 6:24 pm

i will never understand LOL/DOTA2……

Chicken Salad June 19, 2019 - 6:24 pm

Don't have the whole detail but this sounds like an abuse of power regardless of the issue.

Copo De Nieve June 19, 2019 - 6:24 pm

Riot: We encourage trying out new strats.
No, not that one

Aus Unit727 June 19, 2019 - 6:24 pm

All these people siding with Nubrac, But lets be real here. If he did that in your game weather you where the ADC or MID you would be pissed. Your only siding with him because its the classic David V goliath. I would report him every time.

James Koong June 19, 2019 - 6:24 pm

The issue is trash players in silver try this and go 0-5, leech xp off mid laner and just go stealth in the mid lane. and it kills your adc

theduelist92 June 19, 2019 - 6:24 pm

Same thing happened a couple years ago with Smite Ghost Support Singed.
It sounds pretty troll, but what if i told you about a Mid lane Taric with flash heal that starts support item, barely farms and follow his Jungle Yi for most of the game? That sounds troll too, especially if you haven't played league last year. Funnel is the prime example of how this "Non meta" strats can become THE meta. Im sure the first guys playing Yi Taric (or Nunu Khartus) got a lot of reports. Why wouldn't they? All they did was farm, not only there was no ganking jungler for both Top and Bot but there was not even a roaming mid. A decently used counter to Yi Taric funnel in soloQ was to pick an aggressive midlaner, reach an early powerspike (lv 6 Dirk zed for example) and 4 man dive bot or 3 man dive top. I've played with and against various funnels; i've never had fun against it (that's kinda the point of a strong strategy, playing against it is not really fun) or playing with it. As a guy that usually plays carry top champs (GP mostly) i had to either pick a tank and hope for the best or pick my carry top and play 20 minutes of "survive the dive simulator", i would be a highly underfed GP and just watch the duo and hope they can 2v8.

But banning the funnel duo was NOT a good idea; the strategy was good in the game, Riot's recent changes allowed for that, and there is no point banning people for using a strong strategy. If that is not suitable for bans, why would this be? His winrate is positive, he's clearly playing to win (otherwise his winrate wouldn't be positive) and numbers show it works and the fun that his teammates have when playing with him doesn't really matter. I hate having Draven or Vayne in my team (coinflip champions that either solowin or make the game a 4v5), Lee and Elise (that usually below plat are completely useless), ASol and Taliyah, but i dont expect someone to get banned ift they pick one of those champs in my game, even if the ASol never roams or the Elise afk farms for 10 minutes, as long as we win and they actively contribute to the win. If they dont, i'll report them, but if they have generally positive WR on the champion i dont expect them to get banned because they PLAY the champ, mabye with an unconventional playstyle.

Márton Ovád June 19, 2019 - 6:24 pm

A ban for this is completely stupid. Ok this strat is probably shit I give you that. But are we banning people for playing suboptimally now? Ban anyone who invades lvl1 because thats not the standard? Also: What if someone comes up with a strategy thats not conventional but actually good (ie: Ziggs bot, Funnel strat) are they getting banned as well? Obviously not. What makes the difference then? How good it is? Who decides that?

Then again the geniuses at Rito Game have done it before many times before (Nunu/Singed invade supp, River Shen)


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