THIS IS WORLDS, YOU ANIMALS! If you thought we were going to tone down the crazy picks in the #Worlds2019 Final, you couldn’t be more wrong! Check out all the moments from the G2 vs FPX – Worlds Finals. Thank you to the #G2ARMY for all of your support this year, you have always been by our side and we can’t wait for 2020!
What was your favourite play from Worlds? Let us know in the comments below!
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Trash has been taken out
G2 is trash
This is some 5head coping helps me out a lot and suprisignly puts faith into me once again.
I mean, I was upset that they lost Worlds (without even getting 1 game in for that matter) but these edits will never be not funny lmao.
Aww meow! ??
If you want to watch more videos about FPX (with subtitles) Feel free to subscribe ?
Ok we get it G2 doesn't give a fuck, sorry EU
But still they got clapped sooooooooooo hard
gay sour losers, where is the G2 skin now? hahahahaha
gay sour losers, where is the G2 skin now? hahahahaha
Might not be the best team in the world but they have the best editors in the world
Just realized Splyce beat FPX more times than G2 this year kekw
ㅈㄴ역겹네 입털다 발리니까 괜히 지들 컨셉이 코믹인척 하는거아니야 우승했으면 이거말고 도인비 쓰레기통 들어가는 짤이랑 도인비 create monster이지랄 했겠지 유업새끼들은 왤케 비겁하냐 괜히 욕처먹을까봐 우린 긍정적이야 이지랄하는거잖아
Yall are my favorite team now. Lolol keep it real
Y'all got hype by FPX straight 3 games
Good video Dumbs, lovin the new content cant wait for the senna video!
I wunder why you dont show the draft comms? Maybe Junkos jerkz in the background? Or has Craps something Running with XXX? No offense btw :)) was still fun to watch… nice Ez Q's btw xDDDDDDD U will know which fight i mean… Stay positive! But try to be negative for once pls, maybe u dont take every bad fight then…
I really wish g2 actually cared about their epic loss and made a good video about it. When tsm makes a video about a loss you can feel it. These g2 videos are in bad taste and make them seem like a joke even though they work so hard. Plz stop this trash content
Cocky ???
0:54 that Nocturne's face lmao :v
3:0 lolololololol