Remember Lowkey Esports, the org that owed their players and staff $137,000?
Well after failing to meet their latest “final” deadline for repayment, we’ve spoken to more former players and staff who still haven’t got their money. We’ve also reached out to Riot Games, contacted the org’s owners, and talked to a lawyer.
Written and Hosted by: Colin McNeil (@McNeilColin)
Edited by: Colten Gowan (@TheOnlyZoltan)
Courtesy: Rocket League
Courtesy: Riot Games
Thumbnail photo
Music used under license from Associated Production Music LLC (”APM”).
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Here's the latest on the Lowkey Esports scandal. If anything major happens in this case over the next little while, we'll pin a comment on this video.
Idk what you saying but that shirt is a Heater ?
Lowkey e-sports motto
“we lowkey do not play our players”
There are plenty of Esport orgs that owe players money. Red Reserve has owed their COD players cash for almost a year now.
Sick T-shirt
It sucks cause they aren't the only org or event in the esports/fgc scene that owes people lots of money.
Who cares? egames are a joke. You don't deserve to get paid for winning at egames.
Sometimes your graphic tee shirts are a little distracting. Love the show tho!
I heard that the Lowkey company had paid all the salaries for the players and The Secret Esports will own the Lowkey esports LOL players but for some rules of Riot they can not change their name recently
What's garayna
Not sure where to post but have you heard blizzard fked up again? This time on warcraft 3 reforged . Can we have a video about it as well?
Will team secret join our VCS in couple of week? Call riot games if org don't pay players salary should kick out of VCS and make sure no org own players salary ever again.
league GIGALUL
I remember when this T-shirt was on sale and I couldn’t get it
I use garena
Story of JerAx when?
Are you guys gonna cover OG's massive roster changes?
how have you guys NOT covered warcraft 3 reforged's historically bad launch. I hope blizz isn't trying to pay u that hush hush money.
Nice Denmark Scarf
what is this wocket league game you speak of?.. ?
You emphasize that their rl team made world but for oce and sam that doesn’t mean much. Since rlcs switch to a pool play then bracket system oce and sam have gone 1-7 so while they did make “worlds” any eu or na team could beat them any day of the week so yes their team did make worlds they still aren’t they good as a team
First it was Nasty, but times have changed
I'm from VN. And from as far as I know LK Lol team is being transfered to other owners. There is quite a lot of sides want to take this deal since LK is a good team in VCS and they can bring a lot of value in both performance as well commercial benefit
The way Collin pronounces the word “out” screams Canadian to me lol
"Different companies" so they are a bunch of shell companies? So when the League Team sues the company, it only affects that LoL team and doesn't affect the other parts? Protecting the owners?
Why lowkey esports dota 2 division doesnt look bothered ?
Why DNK on the video img ? He won't like that
What's there to be 'constantly working' on? You just pay them lol..
So you just want to see astralis vs faze on steroids
Colin you Mcsnacc
Do any of y’all know where I can find that catchy background beat?
I used to play for Lowkey within RuneScape and they owe me 250m gp
Every time he used "have come out of the woodwork" I asked myself if it had a negative connotation.
Also, this shit is tarted. This is not content I expect from a gaming documentary channel, make a second channel for atention whuring.
There's no way Max Wood is a real name
Youtube channels who make the description the first paragraph of the video should be shunned
Hold up this dude rocks theee most fire supreme shirts respect
Nice shirt. Though, that's all the credit you get Colin. Change your damn Discord avitar ffs.