Welcome to Clouted, episode 10.
This week on the internet the Valorant beta is popping off, we’ve got our first caught cheaters in the game and we have a brand new esports announcement, Valve finally nerfed the Krieg in CS:GO, Liquid and Fnatic took down ESL Pro League Season 11, Tfue has found himself involved in yet another beef and some kid blew up his computer on stream.
We’ve got all the news for you on our newest episode of Clouted.
Written & Hosted by: Keith Capstick (@keithcapstick) and Devin Jones (@milkshks)
Edited by: Colten Gowan (@TheOnlyZoltan)
All Footage Courtesy:
Music used under license from Associated Production Music LLC (”APM”).
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Even though Rust isn’t esport related I think you guys should do a video on it because it just such a good game.

sugestion for a video the viper AOE 2
i haven't died to the raze ult yet so….. not op
Uhhhm Raze is objectively broken considering how the game is suppoded to be with abilities. Abilities should add to the gunplay and not be it. Its true for everyone except Raze. You CAN use gunplay with Raze, but can easily play her without.
If you honestly think valorant is gonna kill any game then you’re dumb. Also I really feel like valorant is overrated and is getting hyped up way to much
The krieg was never ever nerfed or buffed until the price drop, was there a problem with it before? Why were so many people crying: Nerf the krieg while it was always been this way?
keith sounds like kermit but older
I remember having to download special anti cheat stuff for cs 1.0 > 1.6, I remember even having to scan my pc before and after an official game in IRC, I think it did stop a lot hackers, I hope so anyway.
I don't watch Twitch, are all streamers cocky and aggressive like that?
6:13 for the ones baited by the title
With the software being intrusive, the big thing is that Riot is owned by a Chinese company and could sell information. Even if they didn't have the intention of doing that it is still possible that it could happen.
Can we not talk about clown ass Tfue.
At least valourant is never ganna be on csgo level but overwatch mehhh there’s a chance overwatch is broken this stupid I stop playing because of hero 32 ECHOOO
How come they didnt talk about the death of r6 pro league
competitive fortnite.
wait, what?
Much better video than that dumb ass opinion piece noone asked for lmao
Is stewie 2k going to quit CSGO "please no"
try making a scope with LoL FPX's Top laners Gimgoon and Khan's on why Khan's getting benched given that his the better player in all aspects.
What would Shroud know about anti-cheat?
Even a kernel level anti-cheat is super easy to bypass.
Does anyone remember that we are still in a pandamic?……
Fortnite pros griefing and fighting over a landing spot (especially irl) is one of the dumbest and cringiest things i've seen in esport for a very long time ngl, clearly shows the lack of maturity in the fortnite scene.
perma ban dr disrespect
why is valorant so popular it looks so fucking dull my god
gaming "jOuRnAlIsTs"
Didnt anyone notice some russian hackers also recycle pro players streams and they claim to give away free skins and so and noones doing smth about it
Am I the only one who’s waiting for The Story of MoonMoonOW?
Riot games : League is dying,whats popular right now
Also Right games : Lets make a shitty FPS and push it down everyones throat.
Look a game that is treated in this fashion doesn’t get hours of my life. There not doing things right
the guy on the left kinda sounds like kermit the frog
krieg become a god for potato computer players