To call Cloud9 the best team in North America right now is an understatement. They straight up look unbeatable.
They’re first in the league, with Zven playing like North America’s best AD carry.
But just a couple of months ago those same fans were pissed that he signed with the team in the first place.
Hosted by: Devin Jones (@milkshks)
Written by: Malcolm Abbas (@Smashhh)
Thumbnail by: Brandon Mistele
Edited by: Alex Debets (@ajdebets)
All Footage Courtesy of:
Music used under license from Associated Production Music LLC (”APM”).
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Been a fan of him since Origen days, lady couple years seré rough but Is great watching him reach that level again
The best of the weast
TSM had 5 diff junglers in this one video lmfao… Akaadian, Grig, Spica, Mike Yeung, and Dardoch. Theres your issue.
C9 is the only team that can use Zven. I think it was Perkz talking about him on a Talk show last year, saying that he was used to his teammates doing the right thing around him in the EU sort of way. C9 is the only team in North America that adapts to the Meta and plays the game right, so he's on a team he can realistically shine on
It's funny how many retards living these days, specially on games,all noobs thinks they're better or know better then anyone,but most of them are low elo.
He did play like trash on TSM or at the very least he choked super hard when it counted. He's doing great so far, but his team is giga stacked as well. I think he definitely has improved though. I'm not sure this quantifies as redeeming choking in playoffs though… Content is a bit premature. What if he chokes in playoffs again? xD
who's gonna say they're the best na team ever
Yeah going 12/0 does not mean much. Sure you go get on the C9 hype bus bois, let’s see if it stops at the MSI groups or semis, or maybe finals who knows.
Im just waiting for a video where the phrase "well, that would be an understatement" is not used
He is still trash tho who cares about regular season if u lose at finals its gg
Did your sound mixing team go to a vacation?
I still remember watching that game.. I sat there thinking after watching him die replaying that 15 second clip over and over again. What the fuck was he doing there?
People who say he needs to win worlds championship to redeem himself are fucking delusional.
Has NA ever win championship? Or MSI? I thought so
C9 rescued Sven and Zven from TSM ,who is next?
I mean, he's still trash though?
Talent suppression machine
Well TSM is a bad team not Zven
He needed that fall and all those scrutiny to come back stronger. His mentality is tough nonetheless.
Hoping for more future success
People who called this guy trash are idiots tbh. If they think they can do better why the fuck arent they playing pro?
OverrAted still trash
he was already good on tsm but he got blamed for everything that happened #tsmfan
The reality is one wrong move, everyone who loves you suddenly will be against you. Let's see how this unstoppable C9 roster will perform on international stage.
How the fuck would it be an understatement to call them the best team in NA, when they are the best team in NA?
The TSM Curse
Wasn't happy when they replaced Sneaky for Zven but after seeing the track record of players who went from TSM to C9, I knew he was gonna do better than what most people think. I just didn't expect that they'd win this hard this split.
Hope they'll continue this form and win Spring.
He wasnt trash on previous teams. Zven has problems on handling too much pressure. High pressure games he does mistakes what he normally doenst do at all. Hope se we see much better Zven when the big matchs starts. I know this, because has been following ALOT Zven games.
its already been FIVE YEARS?!?!!!!
They're gonna rip him to shreds if they don't win the LCS final…
That being said, where's the story for Blaber? Everyone was pretty worried he'd be choking too much mid-late, but has anyone ever looked as clean on Lee Sin as this guy since Insec?
I'm just so happy he's making C9 proud and not letting us down with replacing Sneaky. Him and DL were sitting at the top with no competition, but Zven is finally showing what he's made of. Good to see him back in form, honestly.
Say all you want. NA is still a joke of a region when it comes to the international stage.
Is this the rising of shield hero real life adaptation?
Yo let's give them more than half a split to decide, though he has looked amazing
Like Doublelift said, this is Sven at his absolute peak, Sven is not going to be this good once he returns to his standard level of play. Once the likes of Bang, Doublelift and Kobbe are back in form sven will not be as good.
He didn't belong to TSM
He belongs to C9
TSM has this aura of unluck for players. It is weird!
Lol this video is funny, because Spring split in general is a joke! Outside MSI what what is it good for now? Zven can be the best if no one really cares about spring split.
I mean have you seen NA? We're all so fucking bad. I'm happy for em but come on now.
I think C9 Zven was mostly flamed for the fact that he's replacing Sneaky. Anyone would've been flamed if they replaced fan favourite adc. I don't think his skill was the problem.
Same thing happened with DL when TSM ditched him. He performed well
Doublelift eat his words.
Too early for this video
i thought leffen was talking for a minute
This is just one split