Safe to say Perkz and Caps fully showed the 2 sides of Aphelios. Our League of Legends Stream Highlights #4 are here!
Is Aphelios broken or balanced? Let us know in the comments!
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We need Uma Jan and Claps back
3:39 Baby Faker They Said…

This wasn't Caps it was Craps
Caps on ADC xd
yeay two guys who never played adc well play adc in pro scene, and kids are happy. it's waisting od time still hoping in this team
Caps after seeing this: "Holy sh*t G2 is trying to send me a message"
G2, inting since 2017
"Do an american accent"
Speaks like he's mentally challenged
Me: Wow thats really good
1:30 when noway4u_sir kited caps so hard
RIP MSI, Reverse the swap, please. Finally a good team from europe and you reck it that hard with one decision.
Wtf is happening to this team hahaha get your shit back together bois i hate to see that so4 mad msf crap goin on
Its funny how last year, G2 fans were making fun of Fnatic fans arguing over how their team should be fixed, while this year, it's G2 fans arguing over their team.
A piece of advice: just don't try to interfere with the coaching staff's decisions and definitely don't spread hate towards the players.
Lmao that yuumi must feel so good xD
Please role swap caps and perkz again
Perkz showing why i think more ppl should rush BT on assphelios. Even without the wifesteal gun he will heal insane amounts.
Ps: i think its good that g2 is losing some lec matches. It doesnt hurt them that much and you can always learn from losing
Adc is a role where u have to be so ‘leashed’ and I feel it’s the worst handicap for Caps, not to be able to play aggressive, flashy, risky. Which is basically what makes Caps, well Caps.
I would love to see him back on mid, without flame tho Caps, u did really good, and it was great experience, but adc style is not ur style.
Luka back to adc pls man
Perkz Better ADC so better ADC
Swap Caps and Wunder next
I dont think ADC is a good role for Caps. If Perks wants to play mid so bad maybe G2 should let Caps play for a different team and get Sneaky or something. I know spring split means jack now but I feel pre-swapped G2 wouldnt have lost 3 games.
When is wunder streaming ( ಥ ʖ̯ ಥ)
It’s been 84 years
Noway clapping caps xD
Somone is trolling adc for a reason lol.
Caps is really enjoying Adc

Make Uma Jan on bot grat again
When Miky said 00100000 00000000 01100010 0001, I felt that
it's time to start worrying guys !!!
1:30 das deutsche Dreieck
I felt Jankos' ptsd after MSF's Ekko, sad
pls let caps play mid :/
Please swap Caps and Perkz, it's painful to watch Caps playing ADC and he has no synergy with Mikyx, meanwhile Perkz can't really work that well with Jankos and Wunder on top side of the map. You are just hurting yourself G2.. :/
you didnt censor huj D:
Nice music
Caps is worst ADC than Perkz, change my mind
dat disrespect on yumi backfired so badly lmao
Aphelios not meant to be caps' champ
Tbf caps is btter kid than perkz,and perkz is better adc, time to swap backk(i miss those caps 1v1s on mid lane dogding every singe posible abilityyyy)