Despite the rise of streaming platforms over the past decade, there is a contingent of esports fans that still strangely want to see their favourite games and players on cable.
However, year after year and failed venture after failed venture, esports continues to find itself as a sideshow on out of touch TV networks. Why the hell does this keep happening?!
Written & Hosted by: Daniel Rosen (@Daniel_Rosen)
Shot & Edited by: Jason Durante (@JayJay_Durante)
Produced by: Miles Hackett (@miles_hackett)
Footage credits:
Music used under license from Associated Production Music LLC (”APM”).
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4:58 Nice jojo meme
But how about EGG Network in SEA?
I was watching hots esport while its alive…
Plot twist its never been alive Kappa
Ok boomer
Let's face it, western esports is so cringey because western media is Chad media. The unga-bunga of entertainment. If sweaty giants are doing things, it's fun.
Now, Koreans know what their doing. They saw video games and were like "Yo, no one fucking watches golf, put some fuckin Starcraft on TV."
"It's not a sport. It's a game."
So is basketball and football. Your point, dumb journos?
Imagine boomer watches news then he goes bathroom. Comes back and sees esports just not work
Man, I grew up on video and arcade top 10. loved that shit
Still hate all the boomers who think that pro gaming is just gaming… I want them to all the things that pros have to handle everything
Esports is on TV in Denmark.
I think we all know why the chairs are made of tentacles.
Imma be honest I miss arcades tbh but I was born in 01 and it was hard to find some but it was fun asf when I went when I was younger I met a lot of fun ppl there to play with
Well, in Spain, we got a program about videogames and esports(mainly, the local leagues and a quick resume of the LCS and other completions) in a channel of TV. I think it was cancelled after the first season but the program was good. There was also a reality TV type of program called Gamers which followers the adventures of, in that time, G2 Vodafone League of Legends' SLO team and it followed them until they won the SLO. It was cringy but good at the same time and If I remember well, it was broadcast through MTV(nowadays you can watch them on YT as they were re-uploaded).
Oh, also, my first experience with eSports was through competitive HOTS and it was fun to watch
Well in Denmark they use to broadcast the big CS:GO tournements that happens in Denmark like blast pro and ESL pro league.
Tv is dying, some of young geeration still turn the tv on but i cant say they are watching it
Imo, TV should be looking for ways to get into streaming platforms. The community interactions and shitposting on chat elevates the viewing experience of almost anything so much.
I know it's not an Esport, but they should have probably talked about Magic on Espn in the mid 90's. They had to remove sleeves from their cards because they created too much glare. Ah, good times.
kid at 2:38 ? is that mitch flowerpower!??
3:22 I'd rather wear a costume than wear shitty jersey
Yall didnt check out UCypher in India, think this was 2018, biggest cringe fest
Just avoid the boomers by streaming it on twitch