Look, here at theScore esports we love to look at legendary plays.
But hey, what about us regular gamers? You ever just pull off a sick clutch in CS:GO that makes you feel like you just won a Major? Or make a Baron steal that you think is worthy of a theScore esports Story of?
Well this is the list for you. These are the plays that make you wish your mom was recording.
These are the top 10 plays that make you feel like a badass.
Written and Edited by: Brian Van Huynh (@beevanhuynh)
Hosted by: Colin McNeil (@McNeilColin)
Footage courtesy of:
Music used under license from Associated Production Music LLC (”APM”).
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Yeah, to me w33 is the best invoker player of all time.
His sunstrike is deadly in a crucial time.
Where's Miracle- Blind tornado sunstrike on juggernaut?
The most badass thing I’ve done in cod is not reload after a kill.
Csgo got those sweet ps2 mechanics
I'm so glad they finally included this moment. I always hated when they overlooked rocket league plays.
I'd like to point out that if the ball touches the ground at 0 secs, the game is over.
So it's even more impressive to score those goals.
Id take aegis steal over sunstrikes anytime of the day. Specially that Gunnar ember aegis steal
lol Supreme Nas portrait tee
NebelNiek lol
Being called a hacker when i'm not makes me feel a badass
1 hp clutches, jump shots, no lool flicks???
Where are these? I as a silver can do one taps.
I think one of my most badass game moments ever was in destiny 1 vault of glass, team messed up the mechanics on atheon a little bit and it caused him to enrage right as it sent half the team into the portal and the boss only had a little bit of health left so I called it out saying I think I got this, used my fist of havoc super and killed him right before we wiped and i gotta say, not much that can make you feel cooler than that lol. You’d understand why that’s feel great if you’ve played that raid back in the day
Bro for dota 2 and LOL probably you should include 5 man Aoe or instant wipe.
Also specially for dota 2 add Manta dodge
Damn was expecting Justin vs Daigo 1 pixel HP comeback for the last 1
Why is Evo Moment 37 not included in the Magic Pixel Comeback?
can you guys make a separate channel for csgo content only?
Cav: Wallbangs the last player
Battle eye: Walls have been banned
“Ripping through them like Darth Vader.”
I appreciate your comment.
Another video, another coldzera jumping awp clip.
As a tank main in overwatch rein shatters are THE NUTTIEST THING YOU CAN DO especially at pro league level
Oh okay theres noway shroud isn't on this clip
Sad to see that evo moment 37 wasn't in the magic pixel
0:10 hippity hoppity
Edit: more of this and backdrop tour.
Valorant "xploded" LUL
10:24 "O gago" peenoise at their best
#7 instant Apex vs Fnatic flash back
Was hoping to see Daigo on the pixel perfect part
No Aegis steal? Unlike in LoL you have to actually get into the pit to steal it. When you go into rosh to snatch aegis you put your whole body out there alone against 5 other heroes most of the time.
i should make a drinking game everytime in a vid of you guys there's a clip of coldzera owning liquid
The Rocket League clip gave me goosebumps…and I don't play Rocket League :'D
But jstns goal is something else
Ahhh, the good days when cavs pistol had an amazing fire rate
in my opinion jett is good at high tier play cause you give her an awp
Defeating another player while being flashed deserved at least top 3
It be awesome if you come could talk about some Quake Esports stuff
Why would this make me feel like a badass?
Before I subbed to this channel the coldzera clip made me cry everytime as a Hiko fan, but now all i get is a bit of moisture in my eyes.
Thank you for legitimately helping me with my trauma of that moment
Plz make a video on ABED

the mmr king