Today, we wanted to take a look at some of esports’ dirtiest cheaters. And we’re not talking about some random streamers, we’re talking about esports most high-profile cheating scandals.
Here are the top 10 dirtiest cheaters in esports.
Written and Hosted by: Sebastien Martin-Schultz (@Sebdot)
Edited by: Matthew Massey
Footage Courtesy of:
Music used under license from Associated Production Music LLC (”APM”).
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My guy looks like Rumpelstiltskin from shrek
In my opinion, I don't think shaiiko didn't deserve to be in this list since it's not even proven that he was hacking at all.
recently the #1 and #2 apex predators got caught teaming
Jarvis was just playing for fun it wasn’t dirty
Man, I feel bad for Jarvis dude. He was exposing how easy it was to cheat at the game back got treated like a cheater himself. Imo, Epic should have said thank you and tried to more aggressively fight the aimbot devs. Gosh, that really sucks dude.
Jarvis' uses aimbot in a public match and is called a dirty cheater lmao wtf
who is this new guy ???
Im honestly more surprised that theres a virtual cycling game and that it has a pro scene
But it's not really up for discussion. Shaiko didn't cheat. We know this.
The cyclist didn't do anything "wrong" imo either. They're playing competitively, and should be competing at the same level (with the same 'bikes'). It's not a difficult concept, and I'm sure that virtually everyone should agree.
A few of these aren’t as bad as number 4 or 1
just a bit misinformation about forsaken when you say immediately the admin check he's pc actually not true the anti cheat did tag him the game before so they didn't check his pc first time for some odd reason after the second anti cheat tag the admin look at his pc. So the admin was crap and hope they won't work there anymore. Outside that you have getting it right on forsaken
Imagine having an ego where if someone's better than you at that game you would immediately accuse him of cheating
Yeah IDK about Shaiico
Many, including I knows that shaiiko was not cheating.
The third spot is such a kid, he cries over trashnite lol
Theres just nothing….. Cry Cry I can proceeds to fake cry off cam
Not a good look to use a crying teenager that cheating for entertainment purposes in the thumbnail. Weirdos
#2 imagine being accused of cheating because you enter god zone
what is it with the french and cheating?
XD Shaiiko is not a cheater. He just destroyed G2 and they started to cry.
Jarvis is just stupid ngl his reactions are fake and ive watched about 20 minutes of his content and

who tf is this kid
Ls isn't here. Kekw
Shaiko wasnt cheatong bruh
Shaiiko didn't cheat Pengu is just a shit player having a whinge.
FazeJarvis and his acting upset is hilarious sobs
My guy looks like his dealer is all out of heroine.
Honestly, faze Jarvis did nothing wrong. He didn’t try to hide anything. He was honest about what he was doing and was just making content. Epic just made an example out of him
Finally the cheater get destroyed
Pengu is the one who cheats by getting shaiko banned and won the competition
The dirtiest cheaters are the ones we still don’t know are cheating yet
They actually showed that that the inhuman 4444 thing was actually something that showed up in the code. It was a glitch in the system that actually didn't affect anything. His teammates proved that it was just a glitched number that appeared in the system as well as the 4 for shaiko is his equipment button so it didn't even do anything
The Shaiiko thing is BS. The software they used to detect it is known to be faulty. If he was it was to activate his gadget and had nothing to do with actual gun skill or reaction time
Pengu just being salty
Shaiiko wasn’t cheating. He is just better. Dumb to accuse people of cheating without proof just for views. Many NA teams showed the same/similar macro files as shaiiko. I guess everyone was cheating, eh?
Where’s the integrity? Douche Jarvis crying. Uh, don’t use aim bot in an actual game. I would be pissed if that killed me and so would the people cheating.
#3 makes me so happy
Yeah, keep crying, kid.
Shaiko didn’t cheat Pengu just hates when people are better than him
Shaiko does not deserve to be on here
"KQLY was making a name for himself as a capable player in the French scene."
KQLY: Using P90
Shaiko dont cheat hes god aim and flicks looks like hacks thats why
Shaiiko just has godly aim. Pengu, known as one of the best r6 players got mad when shaiiko spanked his team. Shaiiko then got banned because “his key 4 was pressed at insane speeds.”
Flush a though… well that’s a different story.
Imagine playing a LOL tourney only to cheat and get fined 30k

How was 4:25 cheating?
So why is my boy jarvis perma banned? I think it has been a year.
lul forsakens first clip his name was forsaken.exe pog
He protecc
He attac
But most importantly
He hacc