Everybody loves a good dynasty. From Fnatic to SK Gaming to Astralis, having true, consistent champions is good for esports.
But this Counter-Strike, and in CS there are no guarantees. That means sometimes the best team in the world can lose to a squad of underdogs who just want it more.
We’re talking about the Davids who defeated their Goliaths to make his history, shock the word, and anger fanboys everywhere.
These are the top 10 upsets in CS:GO.
Written and Edited by: Brian Van Huynh (@beevanhuynh)
Hosted by: Colin McNeil (@McNeilColin)
Footage courtesy of:
Music used under license from Associated Production Music LLC (”APM”).
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Man Rush has had one hell of a time
Where's iBUYPOWER vs. Netcodeguides?
Wouldn’t be a top ten about upsets without cloud9 major win
Am I the only one in the entire godamn comment section that remembers ence properly? It was in 2019 wtf sht like north vs astralis fk that, team liquid vs ence? Now thats an upset the fact that it got top 6 fucking triggers me
i want to see this but for best of ones and online matches
Where is Vox V Dig for the aussies to make their first ever Major?
coliin love you dad
Wheres BIG vs Faze?
Cloud9 boston major should be number 1
half of these are sk choking
renegades 16-0 sk?
I was expecting Atlanta Major Final in this video… Not sure if its good or bad that it wasnt here…
Why tf did I get a Fortnite ad on this video?

Ence mainittu torilla tavataan xd
#1: NetCodeGuides vs iBP
As an NA fanboy, C9 vs FaZe should have been #1
RUSH 3 times in a row lmao
2 years, 2 YEARS I TOOK TO FORGET IT! That FaZe lost at Boston ruined my birthday watch party where I had the Boston Major playing. FeelsBadMan
spoiler: Olofboost is number 1
“It’s Guardian versus two”
Rush is the true David
BIG at ESL Cologne
That Boston major C9 won was EPIC
Astralis: loses*
theScore eSports: hmmm interesting
#1 CSGO upset was Valorant. It turned out to be so bad that now Valve don't even have to try to compete
A csgo vid with no Olof boost? What are they thinking?
name the title, "all astralis loses"
Love the CS videos, keep them coming!
unpopular opinion, Dosia is the best cs player ever
#1 wasn't as much an upset as an act of evil by Kyaerbye after he left the team himself.
*Random team wins against Astralis
Score eSports: Aight that's a fucking upset.
Cloud9's win should've been number 1
They were down 15-11 and came back to win in double ot
I fucking fell asleep, so boring
ENCE will be here
Before watching the video, let me guess… Coldzera jump is gonna be in it isn't it
Rush is in 3 of theses and with diff rosters aha
Fnatic vs NiP on Dreamhack Summer 2013 was the biggest upset in history of major finals. Kinda sad that it's not here.
as a North fan, Stockholm was basically a hurricane. god i wish i could we could go back to that time
The recency biased is real. The Complexity game wasnt as unreal, as for example BIG making 2nd place at Cologne 2018.
Bruh, only 6th
Dude, this channel looks for any chance to mention LG at MLG Columbus.
Soooo how are you guys putting col vs astralis over gambit and ence when astralis was playing badly since they just came from a very long break and not even dominating in the last couple of months heading into the tournament losing epl season 10 and some other big tournaments. Get your shit together
This makes me miss Lan CS and The crowd cheers after a round win or clutch.
Astralis goes back to HLTV ranking #1. then they make this video. lmao
honestly, no1 and 2 are basically both on the same level. (though c9 is a bit higher imo bc its just LEGENDARY)
Is this a re-upload? I feel like I have seen this posted before.
Holy shit, the fact that gambit winning the major isn't number one just proves this list is trash. If you followed cs back then you'd know that them winning was one in a billion.