By now we don’t have to tell you how big 2018 was for esports. We watched in awe as some incredible feats were reached — but it wasn’t all trophies and flashy highlights.
Sometimes, things … got a little awkward.
So make sure to grab some popcorn as we take you on trip through the year’s biggest fails, disappointments and mishaps that we’re calling the Top 10 blunders of 2018
Edited by: Colten Gowan (@TheOnlyZoltan)
Hosted and voiced by Colin McNeil (@McNeilColin)
Music used under license from Associated Production Music LLC (”APM”).
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S2 OWL will be Shanghai's redemption arc
7:42 – C O N S E Q U E N C E S
Title = more like top 10 moba BM's
Lmfao that Deji one was fkin hilarious
Why wasn't Sonic Fox in this? His Award Ceremony speech was absolutely awful. He brought politics into the FGC and went "like I'm gay huhuhu Republicans hate me also I'm a furry and gay lel"
That glorious Gaben belly
All smash players are cringe
The smash Evo moment, while it might've been funny during a weekly tournament at a local or something of the same idea, was something that really shouldn't have happened; especially since that was the last time Smash 4 would be participating at EVO.
goddammit deji
uff cant wait 2 see the terrans at krakowiza in the 2019 comp
(terran did not Play well today)
make another top 10 blunders and have it be everyone thinking boston uprising would win against reformed shanghai
Yeah Svenskeren "inting" top lane doesn't belong here. Literally the only sensible play in that situation. This way can try and MAYBE get the kill on Viktor and only die to him instead of turning around and dropping extra gold and EXP by getting LeBlanc and Lee in on it…..
poor Geguri finally got her first win
Holy shit Deji is an actual degenerate.
That smash part is beautiful….
All he had to do was say the award goes to moonlight.
Cloud9 C9ing im R6 OMEGALUL.
Can we just make this a general gaming term instead of just OW?
Sjoks, always a savage
oh damn when I heard gabe say that I actually thought it was supposed to be a fat joke

didn't know of the backstory
Shanghai dragons are the Esports version of the Cleveland Browns.
What is it with Cloud9 and insanely stupid mistakes? XD
"cloud9 what are you doing !?" that phrase is so familiar from watching c9 csgo team playing lol
At least SHD won their first game recently
as hilarious the Svenskeren play was. It wasn't really that much of a blunder. He was dead anyway because he saw both Broxah and Caps move up to the toplane and just tried to somehow kill Bwipo.
The Bayonetta jock was actually insanlly funny. People didn't have humor XD