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For years, the Siege community wondered whether this crazily talented Youtuber would have what it takes to cut it in the big leagues. And needless to say, 2019 has given us a pretty definitive answer.
So we figured, what better time to count down The Top 10 Beaulo Plays from Rainbow Six Siege.
You can find more Siege esports action, including US Nationals 2019, at these links:
Edited by: Brian Van Huynh (@beevanhuynh)
Written and Hosted by: Dimitri Pascaluta (@DPascaluta)
Courtesy List:
Music used under license from Associated Production Music LLC (”APM”).
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You should have put the three piece trade on club house vs shroud
song 5:23 startin ?
993.000 Subscribe!!!!
I don't even play siege but watching Beaulo play is so satisfying
After killing 5 pro players, "I think I might have flu that time." GG.
He Will be a legend
“First ever pro league ace in the Raleigh major qualifiers” wait a second….
where is bolo?
That Lion play is disgusting
If only the camera directors knew what the fuck they were doing. 75% of the kills get missed and you're left watching the kill feed just to see what happens which makes RB6 a terrible viewing experience.
10:30 spider hand
I miss the double wallbang
He said bulu wtf 4:17
Can u do Skys or LaXing next? Both are insane players
Wow someone dropping the n bomb with a hard r wtf 9:23
Para mi uno de los mejores para jugar raimbow six buen video ??
Not including Achieved getting dumped on through garage and calling him a hacker..only to have to eat crow years later? Always a classic
I'm getting TRIGGERED ? everytime they say beaulo wrong
I don't know what happens when whe beaulo and shroud with a machine to 1 person Warpen?
7:03 “ballooh vs pallooh”
Is it me or did the announcer say his name different every time
Quit saying booooulo
That ace on skyscraper was also the time pretty much the entire evil geniuses team called beaulo a hacker
not really creative with the beaulo there @ 5:33 ),:
He mispronounced his name and the clans name??
this was uploaded three days ago, but they missed his clutch Ace against Rogue two weeks ago in the match to decide who would be in the relegation seed
bro you missed the pro league clutch and ace with zofia against rogue
Wow such good bwilo clips
You should be able to choose who you want to watch throughout the comp game instead of having the camera guy miss every kill on stream
5:40 someone. Fire. Cameraman. (not the proplayer)
Did anyone else notice how everytime he says the name he pronounces it different
“Booloo” ??
Beaulo is bad cause he got farmed by Godly?? Git guuud
3:27 lmao the way he talks
Ever noticed that he said bulu?
Good lord the casters for #8 were the most bland people in he world