Twitch chat is juxtaposed overtop of Pokimane’s webcam feed. Pepe the frog emotes run northbound on the right side of the screen frantically. She just won the Twitch Rivals League of Legends Finals.
She’s smiling ear to ear, Just Chatting with her subscribers, browsing the web, checking her Twitter feed and catching up on the goings on of the gaming and content creation world. Another day, another Poki stream with tens of thousands of people watching, but the channel couldn’t be more relaxed. That’s the kind of energy Poki brings.
This is Pokimane. A passionate streamer that will dominate and sphere of content put in her path, all while maintaining the nonchalant attitude she is universally loved for.
This is her story.
Written by: Keith Capstick (@KeithCapstick)
Edited by: Alex Debets (@ajdebets)
Voiced by: Dimitri Pascaluta (@DPascaluta)
Graphics by: Diego Bernal and Christian Pearson
Courtesy List:
Music used under license from Associated Production Music LLC (”APM”).
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Poki probably a better gamer than 99% of haters commenting in this channel lol Some people just don't know quality when they see it
Wtf dude u just posting shit like this where is the story of allu
I don’t get all the thot comments she seems like a cool streamer that’s good at games and just so happens to be an attractive female. If it was a buff guy playing with his shirt off and posting sexy pictures on instagram nobody would bat an eye. I get it nobody likes someone that just uses their looks for views but if she just wants to look sexy on insta then let her do that
You didn´t cover the false copyright Saga my man!
Nothing against you guys, just seeing that the likes to dislikes are almost even I gotta try to keep it balanced.
9.52 Chat be like Drun or Autistic?
Starting to question if it is time to unsub now
Is this Buzzfeed ?
Such a talented individual
i wonder what this channel does to attract the toxic side of twitch and esports.
LOL she watched this video on stream and cried at the end cause of the amount of dislikes keep disliking it boys!
Roses are red
Violets are blue
People in these Youtube comments
Are pieces of poo
but does she sell bath water?
Pokimane more like reaction channel
"nonchalant attitude she is universally loved for"
Poki cant do wrong. people are just irl sad. So they hate
No one cares about her story, there’s nothing special about her
They Cover successful people in the esports scene which mean Twitch streamers. Which Poki is one of the #1 Girl streamer on the platform. Yall just mad cause you wont have that success! LOL Plebs
I honestly don't know much about Pokimane. I knew that she was a popular twitch streamer, but had little knowledge on her history. This video is quite informative. She seems more of a personality, than an E-thot from what a I see. Decent Video overall
its crazy because I just discover her yesterday
Nobody like poki……………
This channel is just trynna show that they’re gEnDeR eQuAl and capitalize on the her fortnite fame.
GG boys.
Why is dislike ratio all Thanos'd up?, Am i missing something here?
8:16 And Pokimane exploded! XD
People who liked: All Women are Queen
People who disliked: If she breathes SHE'S A THOT!
love u poki
No one bated an eye when they did Timthetatman or Soda but now its a problem bc they did poki…the incels in the comment section are something else
imagine getting mad at someone saying a person is prettier than u LUL
Ayyy my favourite gaming channel coverin my fave streamer let’s gooo ????????
stop doing stories of fucking streamers and focus on REAL esports players who work their ass off to get where they are now
like if f poki
There's more to pokie than this, it's also funny that they bring up bad things for professional esports players and other twitch streamers but not her? Weird right?
Meh boring
0:52 now this is the content what i like to see.
What is this?
look at all the incels screeching in comments and disliking the video. pokimane is a great streamer and she's so much more than her body or gender
Titty Streamer lmfao