As the newest edition to the G2 Army, Hafu sat down to tell us a little bit more about who she is, and what life is like as a streamer. With funny clips, interesting facts and a story with Bjergsen, learn more about our new TFT streamer!
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Only sophisticated gamers know her from the NLSS
Help Carlos to become a better player? That's a bold statement.
wait, is she that girl that was playing zyra top/mid back in s3-s4? is that her?
I don't know her
woooo we got hafu <3
Amazing pick up for G2. I have deep respect for Hafu ever since I watched her collab with Trump way back in the Heartstone days. Great player and great person, wish you guys all the best.
No one carres about tft. Show more main G2 lol roaster
Grabbz has no hope, I mean he's beautiful, but that's all.
I swear to god, if that's the way you tilt Hafu, then hell, that's the cutest way to tilt ever. You're awesome!
how is she again?
I'm really happy for her she seems very funny and chill ! Very glad to see a girl make it in such a big team
The story of Waifu
i hate women
so is she good at anything or is it just the cringe kawaii fetish thirsty viewers whole thing going on?
gräääääääääääääääääääähhhhhhhhhhhhhhbbzzz does not need to improve his tft rank…
grääääääääääääääääääääääbbzzz has to improve his drafts.
Anytime soon said by jankos.
actually thanks to Hafu that's how I got to know about Bjergsen and became a TSM fan. It was one of her old Hearthstone video of Bjergson coaching one of Hafu's followers on stream for a bit. That was back when mech and gnome expansion just came out
Brakuje "t" w jej nicku Hatfu better
Hafu Raging = Her laughing and smiling like a cute kid :DD
Grabbz a better TFT player? I doubt that!
Already flaming Grabbz. Wow
Damn how much was this girl paid out????? Like goddamn all these streamers joining teams is shit
Why is she so likeable? Hahaha
How does a casual hearhstone streamer end up coaching grabz at g2. Did she actually earn it or just got picked because she is a girl. And as we all know companies try to be progressive. I know some Cucklord virgins will shittalk but thats why iam asking if she is good. I mean to be real in a game like TFT you dont really need skill its more luck based. And just cheking tft reddit to know whats the most broken comp. There is no way she actually deserved to be there when she is Gold or something
Next up: e-Sports legend 'Northern' joins Fnatic for the ultimate TFT showdown, which he ultimately loses to Hafu