Ricky Bengston wasn’t always FaZe Banks.
In fact, when Banks started his career, FaZe were his competition. Like a lot of gamers who played first person shooters back in 2012, Banks was a trickshotter. And a damn good one at that.
This is his story.
Voiced by: Colin McNeil (@McNeilColin)
Written by: Keith Capstick (@KeithCapstick)
Edited by: Alex Debets (@ajdebets)
All footage courtesy of:
Music used under license from Associated Production Music LLC (”APM”).
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from now on were an entertainment team Tfue! you just do all the singing all the performing and all the entertaining.. and leave the rest to us
Sorry, They don't play fighting game.
I might not liek bank – not because any drama stuff just he looks liek somoen i would not get along with :^) – but I realy like the Video in general. The story telling is not opressive its nice and smooth, the charakter presented in good angels. And the just the editor in general – Boys well done!
Hate this guy
Too bad they lost to 100T if they didnt this would have been more meaningful video
this guy is so whack
the biggest clan in the world! FAZE UP
Banks is the Jake/Logan Paul of Esports
I am 8 minutes 30 seconds into this video. All I have so far is that "this guy is fucking around." I had no clue who this guy is, it seems I have not missed much, bye.
The story of Ricegum Please!!
This channel is going from sick gamers to twitch beef. I get banks is running a big gaming org, but this is still not what I tune in for
I think Tenser would be a really good video, from faking clips to faze and fortnite
Story of Admiralbulldog pls
Do the story of dreamhack or twitch
Illcams 38. Migrating host trickshot. Still my favorite trickshot of all time.
Please make a story on faze apex
howcome nothing about them promoting csgo skin gambling while having a stake in the gambling site itself? It was a huge scandal and I Was surprised it didn't land them in jail.
Do a lot of drugs
Do harder drugs
Get a bunch of shitty tattoos
Have a public breakdown about said harder drugs
I wouldn't trust the dude with a dollar
I like how in the thumbnail, his forehead looks like the faze logo
This dude is just a hype beast
I thought the crowd saying “We want banks” was really saying that Wakanda chant from infinity war
The story of pewdiepie?????