Once, Luminosity and eventually SK Gaming, were on top of the world. With back-to-back Major championships and an era to call their own, Brazil had become a Counter-Strike powerhouse. And its players were feared.
But those players, those results and that era have dwindled and slid into mediocrity. So what happened to South America’s greatest talent?
Written by: Devin Jones (@milkshks)
Edited by: Simmy Fong (@Sifolyy)
Hosted by: Daniel Rosen (@Daniel_Rosen)
Footage courtesy of:
Music used under license from Associated Production Music LLC (”APM”).
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They become lazy, they just need to disband and take a time off from the competitive.
They did this video for the sole reason to include Coldzera's jumping AWP play again
Brazil have another teams too man, MIBR is the biggest but the Furia young boys and others from Brazil is good too, like, Furia is the top 10 and not long time ago they were top 4/5
They went downhill after fnx fucked fers gf.
This video uncovered nothing and discussed barely anything. Probably 14.5 mins of game replay. “We can speculate”……”but in the end it doesn’t really matter”
Why Felps never stays?
we need a 5th player, who can save us?? doors open QUE OTAAAA
Stand Up MIBR !
Name of the last two musics? Please
Taco is the problem
No fnx and fatzera, no major
Knew this was coming, can't help but feel sad for this team I have rooted for since 2015
They need fnx and coldzera back
You make me cry with this
KngV will join mibr and they will be top 5 once again
Pick one kek
For a brazilian like me, this is fucking sad. Hope that with KNG things will get better
Legenda em português pfv
It’s still so hard to believe that Liquid lost in Columbus.
10:34 & 13:03 BIG
They will be back.
It’s tragic that Major finals are only BO3. 5 would be ideal but if we’re deciding the best team for the next couple months, it should be BO7. No perma bans. Best team wins
I guess you could say this team has FalleN…
Ok I’m sorry
6:39 wait…. doesn't this guy hate nazis?
With every Era gone, another takes the lead. I wonder what will come next after Liquid
much love to coldzera though
It’s far from over you fucks, they are about to get Kng and beat FNS ass up again
Did you make a rise and fall of NiP, VP, Fnatic as well? orrrrrrrrrrrrrrr?
old school mibr > all
Imo the video was way too padded with game footage.
I bet 10000 dollars that if taco, cold, fallen, fer, fnx and zews team up for ONE LAST MAJOR, 60% of the time, they would win all of the time
It hurts to see this video
I've supported LG/SK/MIBR since they first became LG and this video is just a painful reality check of what the dream team has become.