So you might have heard a few things recently about Ninjas In Pyjamas, one of esports’ most storied organizations.
Things like allegations and evidence of corruption, failure to pay players prize money, tax evasion and contract clauses the likes of which will make your head spin.
On top of sifting through all of the known details and breaking them down for you here today – theScore esports spoke with players across multiple iterations of NiP rosters about their experiences with the organization.
Here’s what we learned.
Hosted by: Devin Jones (@milkshks)
Edited by: Dennis Gonzales (@Tarmanydyn)
Footage courtesy of:
Richard Lewis show clips
Courtesy: Richard Lewis
Alex Ich profile picture
Courtesy: Riot Games
Handsken picture
Courtesy: ESL / Helena Kristiansson
Music used under license from Associated Production Music LLC (”APM”).
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Personal tip: Trim your neck, don't shave it. Looks & feels way better than a clean neck with pimples
so they didnt just go to the police? alright.
This hurts on a physical level…I remember years ago being such a fucking huge fan of NiP, watching their entire journey through tourneys, and now this.
Having to check out which country as the least probably of checking your visa, which the org you work for didn't renew it, so that you can escape from Europe!.. the life of a real Ninja! Hope they don't screw with PPD or he will probably finish them.
i lost it when he said "fucking". I love theScore more than ever
Is that paper reading scripted? Because if so it’s cringe
RIP NIP. Feels sad for the players, NIP you suck!
Always read your contracts, if something seems fishy take it to a lawyer. Hell… Take it to a lawyer anyways, most will review and advise for pretty cheap rate.
I still need to be paid as well
hope the new dota 2 team doesnt get fucked, pretty sure ppd knows his shit so theres a chance
I'm not defending the company/leaders of it. I just did a quick search and found a Swedish article claiming that Heaton and one other member of the leadership of NIP(I'm guessing the earlier iteration) were sentenced for accounting offenses(can't have been a super big deal though, no prison only a fine and a not a big one at that and some community service. Have you missed this in your research or am I looking at the wrong incident?
This man looks absolutely disgusting. Neck acne, greasy hair, untrimmed beard. Dude atleast fucking try when your gonna make a video.
Dont use the same razor for your face that you use for your balls dyde, big yikes
Its just like in my country
Politicians- NiP
People- NiP players
Fucking hell corruption even in esports
No ads ? What is this sorcery ?!
its sad to know that the real journalism is on video games now not on current events. i dont know
rip nip csgo PLAYERS
its weird because they also have the most loyal lineup out of any team
Disgusting neck
DId I hear right? is the manager's name Robert Himler?
Oh, not the nip I was expecting…
and im out here bying their mousepads
Wait who the hell is this guy? Is he a new journalist on the channel?
are this things still happening in the current NiP roster? because it feels weird that our salt lord peterpandam hasn't talk about it yet
Are you guys doing something about the violence in video games BS that is currently going on?
the rash on his neck is quite disturbing no offence
Time to invest in NiP stickers Kappa
It's simple. Play for nip the board gets all your money
Just do a fucking MkLeo video!
I used to love Faze clan and NiP
I think im bad luck
Didnt know choco taco had a twin brother xDxX
rip fifflaren csgo
that neck looks terrible, just grow the neckbeard or wear a collared shirt. You should not be shaving your neck if thats the result
My friend delpan got invited to play for NIP in 2015, he left his apartment moved up to NIP HQ and was ready to join them all of the sudden they called him and basically said "fuck off" since then he has always said like nip is shit etc and i never understood why until now lol.
“If IRS catches us…”
sighs in the beginning -> Already know what kind of video this is going to be
This is great work Devin and Darris, a job well done covering this so far!
what a huge NiP slip
You left Clairvoyance
Welcome to Sweden ! Where the government will take 60% of your money . You have no idea how much ppl evade taxes here because they are ridiculous!! The Swedish IRS regularly cracks down on ppl who are selling their personal belongings on eBay and other platforms, like it's crazy. You can't even sell your bike without risking being contacted by the IRS here, that's why btw they want to eliminate cash here in Scandinavia. it's so that they can trace every single transaction you make and tax you for it.
how's that shaving going?
The fuck were the managers were doing?
dude, speaker of this video, can you chill with your hands ffs? Really irritating.
Who is better?
Like = Ninja
Comment = Ninja In Pajamas