The Dominican Republic earned their way to the top of the Street Fighter world. They overcame barriers, borders and gods and earned the rest of the world’s respect.
But after their champion won the biggest prize in Street Fighter, he didn’t spend it on himself.
He spent it trying to break every obstacle down for his brothers and sisters back home.
Written and hosted by: Daniel Rosen (@Daniel_Rosen)
Edited by Connor Dunn (@ConnorDunn__)
Footage courtesy of:
Music used under license from Associated Production Music LLC (”APM”).
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Where my dominicanos at? Klk mmgvose
Great video as always. Shame you spoiled the Capcom Cup in the beginning because the storytelling is amazing
Yeah man
If people in all professions/businesses do what Mena did, most 3rd world countries would be developed by now.
Ur playing against a DR player and u lose to a close game, ur spirit is crushed, u look behind u and there they are 11:16
damn man, tear in the eye at the end
This is just amazing, I'm from dominican republic , and it's just great to see one of us putting us in the top and showing the world what dominicans are made of
Of course it's easy to forget about the rest of the world with Capcom's netcode.
Waooo que bien…llore
Everyone was playing against him on joysticks and that boi only had a playstation controller.
Nobody talks about that part, just the "he t-bagged x berson"

I don't even watch FGC and I got hyped lol.
First Arsalan From Pakistan Now This Monster.
It Feels Like These Monsters Coming From Shadows Gonna Devour Us Petty Creature Who Thought We Are Top Of It All
We Dominicans are very competitive and specially when it comes to video games , some of the top gamers from the gears of war series are Dominicans
Around the 9:20 mark I started crying ??????????
Kilo chain around dat nek
this is beautiful to see
Great guy. The real mvp.?
The score is THE exports news
i remember this run…Facing Tokido i assumed that his race was about to meet his end but this young boy brought the real deal to Tokido..
Really hope to see him again…
Amazing story, but it's a crime that you've not done a piece of Garireo's historic comeback against Dogura in 2014 BlazBlue Evo grand finals. I don't even give a shit about BlazBlue but anyone can tell that GF was something special and magical.
Meanwhile, snowflakes in first world countries, are blaming everything and everyone around them for the "bad" environment they currently live in, lol. ??
Kid has done more for his community and the gaming scene in his country, than any other pro gamer, streamer, or youtuber I can think of, very strong entrepreneurship instincts and mindset, he has a bright future.
I wish Mena the best! Awesome kid!
I met MenaRD at combo breaker twice. Nicest guy you'll meet. Super humble and polite.
if he’s from nowhere we are all from nowhere
? so beautiful
Absolute love. What an amazing video and even more fantastic story. Serious respect.
Electricity go out, oh man as a Dominican I can relate to this lol
So wholesome
Ey Dominican
El mejor coño
Anyone gonna address the price of his Cuban twist diamond encrusted gold necklace
I feel like I’ve seen this before
goes over to tekken
esport channel with no esport coverage, ironic.
"That guy, who looks like me, is world champion, so ANYONE can be world champion" who's cutting onions in here?
1:03 la calle del sol :v
Where all the Mena haters at. In stream all ppl do is make fun of his weight and say bad things about my country. This is our true side. Like it or not he beat the best and won Capcom cup paving the way for more Dominicans and y'all wanna be disrespectful smh. What have you done for your FGC? Sorry small rant. Pros respect em the ppl don't.