Jacky “EternaLEnVy” Mao is one of the coin-flippiest competitive gamers alive and he’s developed a reputation for doing things that are so transparently absurd that it genuinely isn’t clear whether they’re strokes of brilliance, or fits of madness. And over the years, EnVy’s single-minded commitment to this unreliable fiftEE-fiftEE play-style has taken on a life of its own, oftentimes to the detriment of his own career.
Written & Hosted by: Dimitri Pascaluta (@DPascaluta)
Produced & Edited by: Miles Hackett (@miles_hackett)
Thumbnail designed by: Fermin Mulett
Footage credits:
Music used under license from Associated Production Music LLC (”APM”).
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This is a very wrong representation of what envy was. Shitty journalism.
Gebak Gebak Gebak
The title is so harsh and so true at the same time, truly a fiftEE/fiftEE move.
4:26 was not envy's play. it was stated that it was s4's
Jacky LMAO got 6months rest
imagine cutting that Tobiwan clip
I like this vid, but I just can’t get over that his so called beard looks uneven to me
disliked when you dissed the most viewed esport of the last 10 years League of motherloving legends!
That Fisher Price knockoff joke literally added years in the lives of Dota 2 players hahaha
This is second full length video you made for EE but still no video for Un1verse?
Oh EE, what a character! Perfect for DotA 2
Never mentioned the fact that he continues to create new strats on item builds to this day. Sometimes setting the standard build for the hero months before others catch on
After OG back to back Tee Eye runs, only EE winning Tee Eye could contest OG story.
EE SAMA is just pretending he can solo win ti alone
EE is badass
Envy soloing Roshan with Invoker then dies trying never forget
“The Fisher-Price knock off that is League if Legends” I’m dying man, especially after that duck clip
Never having played a moba game before, i have no idea whats happening in the game at all. So much chaos on screen
The fucking title has me deceased
Headlines said: man did something different got ridiculed by others
The title is very bad. I like it
Endless Errors is his name, throwing leads is his game
Avatar the last Air Bender is nto an Anime
Where is singsong man we need our masta
Imagine EE reaction watching this video
how hurt that man can be xD
shoutout to EternalEnvy
"he couldn't care less, about what other people think"
wonderful. so he is a nightmare for every team … because in teamplay, u NEED to listen to your team.
The biggest meme in Dota 2 the meme himself

im liking the title
just like Allu
You can't spell FEED without EE .
Kinda mean to call him an dumbass
I never wanted to win I just want to have fun maybe throw- EE, Jacky Lmao
the score loving EE sama
i've disliked envy ever since C9 in 2014. Don't get the hype around him.
14:49 why is his audio so fucking bad, those are sennheisers, the mic should sound perfect, how has he managed to fuck that up
this guy also said "you know i don't give a shit about our league content" on their techies episode it's so funny
I see shots on league, I like
It's just Dota version of Allu
Some of these clips make me shocked he has never been investigated for win trading.
you consider it a gameplay highlight when EnVy destroys his items.
At this day, he is being famously for being toxic by throwing every game that he can win when his teammate make a mistake even tho he still can winning it.
I think imo he's like Zeus in csgo. He could make plays that are either good or bad (mostly good).