They’re back and they’re ready for action! Go behind the scenes of our #LEC 2020 Spring split and see the G2 squad at their best in Part One of our LEC Spring 2020 Aftermovie – Presented by Mastercard
What role would you love to see Caps play? Let us know in the comments below!
Thanks to our partner Mastercard for making this happen!
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#G2 #LEC #Mastercard
WHY DO YOU TORTURE US? :'( GIVE US PART 2…followed by part 3-10 >.>
Jankos being jankos
Title should be " Charlie shoving his camera up everyone's good looking faces for 8 minutes 56 seconds "
Wunder has to bench himself now
Uma jan > adcaps
Corona in corona virus actually is Latin for crown, because corona viruses look like one (just imagine seeing the 2D representation of that ball with the spikes on a low res electron microscope in the 60s).
I want someone who look at me like Jankos look at Charlie
this video is truly a gem.
so many meme like moments. "im gonna bench myself… like rekkles."
"charlie if i see you use this clip youre a dead man"
and more.
once again showing how lovely the team is. for the longest time i was an origen and fnc fan (and i still am) but i just never felt like these teams were that open and friendly. it really makes me care even more about the players.
i also need to start following mikys stream. every time theres a voicecom vid i watch it and i try to focus on miky yet i "overhear" him. but he has so many funny and loveable moment in these blogs. really need to give the guy more attention as a person
thanks for the vid g2. i really love these vids i could watch them for hours.
also wunder saying "we have a good chance to win msi…" ouch :/
Who is tha G2 redhair girl
Dude LEC should have camera-man mvp
So that charlie can also be mvp for once like for charlie.
6:53 Miky is ultimate cat boy
grabbz hair >< too much
Ah yes my favourite F.R.I.E.N.D.S episode
G2 should have a sitcom
RIP Charlie
okay but let's talk about about how miky is smurfing when it comes to animal noises
4:28 i really like wunder make more videos with him
this is like half cringe, and half omegalul
1:47 baby coach
I like how this wasn't included to the videos of the weeks this things happen because the games were priority. (Even tho I would not personally mind that.)
But I just love this human side of everyone. You can be one of the most decorated teams in LEC and still have fun.
keep getting content like this you are the best for far
This video impacted me so much
this team has a soul! #G2ARMY
Really loved this intro! Hope you guys would use it more in future
Wunder is soooo funny OmegaLUL XD this Team and Staff is amaizing!
This kind of content is amazing, to see a bit of everyone including the cameraman is awesome! Cant wait for part 2, keep up the great work guys. It's nice to see that G2 is not only the players, but the whole crew.
G2, you guys are the best !
Jankos is screaming, such a surprise
The only thing that sucks about this video is that it isn't an hour and a half.
this needs to be longer
Caps is soooo socially awkward, or at least seem so, but god damn i love this man
Miky <3 4 ever
#G2grandslam2020 ?
This is the most wholesome video <3
What's up, duff?
I knew perkz was a bottom