Today we announce the departure of Richard “shox” Papillon from our Counter-Strike: Global Offensive roster.
An iconic member of French Counter-Strike and a legend in his own right, shox joined G2 in 2016 to build a handpicked French-speaking lineup. With his flashy plays and heart-stopping clutches, Richard brought a unique all-around play style and charm to our organization. While this is goodbye, his legacy at G2 and what he has accomplished under our banner will never be forgotten.
Thank you for everything, Legend.
What was your favorite G2 shox moment? Let us know in the comments below!
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I'm not ready to one-tap this video ?
Such a legend ! ShoxieJesus
time to unsub…
Gg shoxie
Sad to see him go
Wow the legend is stepping down.
thank you legend !
Imagin the French Super Team of : KennyS, Zywoo, Jackz, Shox, NBK
G2 without shox is not really g2
Shoxie Thx for the Legend Years
is he quiting csgo
Vive la France
Thanks Shox??????
It's been a good run, Shox… Looking forward to see where you are taken next ;D
Why shoxie man he was the man for g2.It will never be the same without it.I cried
Really sad to see him go
did u remember shox & scream
can you put the SONG and the creator into the description please
When he was one of the best headshotting machine in the game, shoxie was the reason i became a G2 fan in the first place, starting from CS to now supporting all of their division. Seeing him go do hurt me inside but i wish him the best of luck in his future endeavors. Thankyou Mr. Richard Papillon, still #G2Win tho!
thanks for everythink shoxie and everythink you did for g2
SHOX and ScreaM duo plz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they were gods together
You are the reason I love G2, shox!
Its heartbreaking to realize G2 wont be the same anymore.
Good luck in future ! Will always support you no matter which team you are in !
Dream G2 lineup: 1.kennyS 2.Apex 3. Zywoo 4.Shox 5.Jackz-NBk or Rpk
I don't think shox was the problem… The squad was still looking up. Who the hell is IGL? Is it kio? Because the other 4 don't seem like the IGL type.
Sad moment :c