STOMP OUR SQUAD IS BACK on Friday, May 22 @ 11 a.m. EST! But this time our hosts are going to try and secure a W in Call of Duty: Warzone which is why we’re calling this week’s livestream SNIPE Our Squad.
Be sure to to come hang out with us on Twitch at
If you want to participate then make sure to queue up at the same time as our hosts for a chance to encounter them on the battlefield. If you do come across them, make sure to clip it and send it to us on Instagram or Twitter to let us know if you were successful at sniping them.
Again we will be streaming this Friday, May 22 from 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. EST so make sure to come through at
Make sure to follow us on Twitch so that you don't miss any of our livestreams!
Please make smite vids
Has to be s1mple, right?
Story idea: NuckleDu vs XiaoHai. Their rivalry has a great ending story-wise and it ushered in a wave of t-bagging to Street Fighter V.
The servers for warzone are already loaded as shit half the time now but with this major event the whole servers gunna break
imma hop in an solo q and hunt all of you down 

I wish you luck
Still uploading and shrugging off the stolen content you posted. At least acknowledge what you did or respond to anyone about this situation. I can’t believe that a corporation that definitely knows the rules of YouTube completely infringes them and steals a whole video from a smaller YouTuber who did all of the research and work to make money. Imagine you get payed mostly by commission, and you work out most of the sale of (let’s just say a house) but when you go to close it out, another salesman/woman signs the paperwork and gets the commission. What a bunch of slugs stealing from the honest working people of YouTube. Absolutely sick.
Wow the one time streamers actually ask people to stream snipe lol
Ballsy af
Full riot shield squads are inbound. No Overkill. Enjoy.
Hehe about to get my other moniter out. To stream snipe
nice video! wanna make one together?
The only way these guys are getting any wins is if they're on the fucking gear.
Time for em to get clapped
There are doing this just to have a legit excuse when they die
I have herd your challange and i have accepted your challange see you friday may 22 11am
Holy shit never been this early
Chicken victory dinner royale is very epic
My squad will clap yours.
Olof booooost
I would but I dont think skill base matchmakeing will let me
( not trying to be mean if it sounds that way )
love it
Is this big brain? I can't tell if it's big brain or small brain
yall garbage
its bait to get us banned for stream sniping .
you should make a video on the NiP choke in the six invitational finals
League of Legends Mobile GAMEPLAY on my channel

So early and so poogers
Your asking people to stream snipe you guys lol.