Nearly all ten teams in the NA LCS have locked in their final roster and there’s exactly one North American born mid laner in the league so far, Dignitas is allegedly paying Huni one third of their budget for players and once again we’re trying to fix all of the region’s problems solely by importing players.
Year in and year out NA tries and fails at worlds. And we’ll be honest, we’re tired of watching North American teams clammer to field imported rosters while the rest of the world dominates international tournaments with homegrown talent.
Let’s get into this. Again.
Written and Hosted by: Keith Capstick (@KeithCapstick)
Edited by: Andrew Faigal (@Brrrning)
Footage Courtesy of:
Courtesy: 100 Thieves
IG vs TL | Worlds Group Stage 8 | Invictus Gaming vs Team Liquid (2019)
Courtesy: LoL Esports
Jerry Maguire
Courtesy: Sony Pictures Releasing
doublelift on pob not getting a spot in lcs
Courtesy: Doublelift
100 vs. TL | NA LCS Spring Playoffs | finals Game 3 | 100 Thieves vs. Team Liquid (2018)
Courtesy: LoL Esports
TL vs. C9 | Finals Game 2 | Na LCS Summer Playoffs | Team Liquid vs. Cloud9 (2018)
Courtesy: LoL Esports
CG vs TSM | Quarterfinals Game 2 | LCS Summer Split | Clutch Gaming vs TSM(2019)
Courtesy: LoL Esports
Are NA PLAYERS DOOMED? DAMONTE joins Hotline League
Courtesy: Travis Gafford
The Boondocks Season 3 Episode 3 The Red Ball
Courtesy: Sony Pictures Television
TSM GM Parth explains all TSM’s roster, Bjergsen ownership, if they can beat TL in 2020
Courtesy: Travis Gafford
Music used under license from Associated Production Music LLC (”APM”).
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thought the guy was SirActionSlacks
How many single season players are dedicating themselves to be top ranked challenger in North America? How many Challenger players started playing only in the past few years? How many Flex Challenger teams are there? How successful is clash? Why have people in the past couple of years, but diamond and only play enough not to decay? The Golden Era of league of legends as well as the well seasoned veterans that stem from that time period happened for a reason. What's the reason. Is Riot catering to this niche or everyone else jumping into the scene. How many players that have been large fans of the pro scene for 5 years are actively keeping up with the innovations and changes to the rift in 2019? If not why? Considering these questions It's clear that Riot and franchising create headlines and fake promises all to maximize profit at the end of the day. Because if the same motives of old existed today, Every team house would look like a shack. A 3 bead 2 bath studio apartment in south L.A. Where Spring season grind, and Korean boot games were extremely crucial component to an NA team's international success. Not whatever the fuck else is going on.
Fun fact: Damonte is not much younger than poebelter he's just as old cept he starter later which technically makes him worse.
$$$ that’s what the issue is. NA orgs aren’t trying to tank or loose investors because they don’t have a good team, so instead of starting from scratch, they’ll try and buy talent. The league needs to come up with worthwhile incentives for amateur players to grind solo q, and work their way up to being worthy enough for pro play, but that’s not going to happen if they see teams buying import talent. It’s like, why work hard to become a pro when these teams are more willing to import talent ?
Esports is still growing, so we fans might not know what to look for from ownership yet. Some things to think about:
1) Winning immediately is important, especially for new orgs. As Liquid's Steve put it, whichever team wants to field a roster with no imports, enjoy 10th place.
2) Imports do bring viewership and their fanbases. TSM was already a fan favorite, but BrokenBlade has brought a whole new contingent of fans to that org. I would not be surprised if Ryoma gets a lot of Aussies watching the LCS, particularly if he starts doing well.
3) Making statements like "LCS is a joke" or "NA is the worst region" because no one made it out of groups at Worlds is just getting baited by trolls. In any sport, a lot needs to go right for a team to win a championship. TL made the finals of MSI and C9 made semifinals at Worlds before that. Top 4 finishes in two of the last 3 international tournaments. Yes the result at worlds was disappointing, but TL had a tough group (lost twice to IG, knocked out at 3-3), C9 underperformed (Sneaky played bad, team chemistry was off), and DIG was just outclassed by each team in its group. RNG also didn't make it out of groups and no one will say that China is a joke because the region won (with two imports).
NA does have a problem with developing young talent, and part of that is the under-developed amateur scene and org infrastructure, but also the player base is smaller, ping is worse, and solo queue is just generally weaker. The problem is complex, and simply complaining because orgs aren't using domestic players, like this video does, shows an incomplete understanding of the way the league works. A few things fans can do is try to make soloque less toxic and helping others to improve, and support the orgs making moves that you like. TSM and C9 have historically been good at developing young, domestic talent. Support them and make clear that's why you like them.
Wanna hear a joke?
Another problem with NA is their solo queue and I believe doublelift made a chat about this topic. I don't personally remember everything but what I remember is doublelift saying that it is not a good training ground at all to actually practice individual talent and professional players need to always scrim which isn't great as well. It is probably due to NA solo queue being a ground for marketing and streamers given the amount of NA streamers the community has.
Let's just blame the system and the orgs for simply being bad. Just look at Dota. Their are south american teams with long runs at TI with no outside help. They just played well… Maybe NA should try that in LOL
Maybe NA talents aren't good enough. Although i agree Pobelter >>>> GoldenGlue
I think a way NA can compete with EU CN KR, is instead of having the current academy system, have multiple divisions that allow for relegations and promotions.
Riot removing the ability for players to create their own teams and compete for something meaningful is probably one of the worst ideas they've had.
LCS + Academy is half of the challenger ladder, what happens to the other half + the grandmaster + the master/D1/D2 players? under the current system, NA will never see talent that can compete at an international level, because they can't even compete at home.
NA dominates in physical sports. It's just a difference of priorities of the countries and cultures.
Chinese teams are lead by Korean players. So, your analysis failed. Sorry. The import rule needs to end. IG had 3 KR players, FPX was carried by 2.
No evidence showing mixed roster dominance? What about fpx and ig? Or TL that has won 4 championships in a row with the most imports on their team? Though something needs to be done about the lack of NA talent being utilized
I still love huni… he aint getting paid enough
Just make NA a wildcard region KEKW
0:33 I disagree, LPL has won worlds twice but a lot of chinese teams have 1 or 2 korean players.
NA should just pay riot for a better script next worlds
The NA LoL scene needs to take a lesson from CSGO.
When na can only import
Goes to show how bad the talent is in na
Amazing that this channel made a video proving that NA is such a shit non competitive region without importing players from outside. All the entitled acting and smack talk and yet still no big achievements compared to the rest of the world. Kek
How is this guy's vids not demonetized? ? Chill a bit, man!
Pay me millions instead,
And I guarantee I can get our NA teams….into groups but not out of group stage at worlds
Hello core JJ not working ? You guy don’t even watch tl bot lane ?????? Core literally carry doublelift down there .
Isnt c9 an example of na talent not really working out
Orgs are trying to win. Name one NA midlaner that deserves a spot over any imported mid laner.
This guy's an idiot doesn't even know what he's talking about. "Home grown talent" my ass. The only region that has won world is either Korean or has Korean imports.
How is anyone supposed to grow talent on this dog shit ping.
Ry0ma will destroy y'all
I mean. Maybe Huni specifically got overpaid. But the "1/3 of the payroll on 1 player" point is kinda ridiculous. There are 5 players, I would bet on the majority of teams, the biggest name makes about 1/3 of the $3 Million total you are looking at 600k Per Player. at $1.85 Million remaining you are looking at $462k per player. those are not "go sign Faker" numbers, but a $450k annual player should be quite competitive. The average annual salary last year was just over 300k. if you put 1 rookie at that 300k salary (high for a rookie) you are signing 3 players at 500k each. Cody was on an upgraded Academy contract, Vulcan was on a development deal up from Academy. With a 3 Million budget, they were in fine shape. Something else happened here.
Completely agree on the topic, nice job….buuutt can theScore esports spend a little of their budget on getting this guys eyebrows done, its all i could look at while watching lol
The problem with NA Pros is NA soloq.
Just import more. Honestly NA is just sad.
who are you?
na has no talennt LUL
This video is so wrong it made me understand why people would go out of there way to leave a comment on a video saying how some ones wrong. This took 24 years. But some times you just gotta let no one know that the 12 year old who got the script to a 1m subbed youtube chan didn't think about how the fuck Berjson or Jenson got here and both have MSI tittles, Or how Huni's Fanatic got 2nd place at worlds with those to magical import slots. "Its just orgs GAMBLING for the level up" would have been a more well thought out idea then this entire video. Well now that we did that i would like to go ahead and say leave a thumbs up and subscribe to theScore esports for more videos and dont forget to hit that bell icon!
yikes na, yikes
Other regions winning with home grown talent is a false statement. Both chinese teams to win the previous two world championships used 2 imports from Korea each…
Haha NA server omegaLuL.
Is it just me or that guy eye brow looks like a mustache.
Really think rules like football has were teams must have half there roster must be homegrown
“Diversity is our strength” LOL
Sounds like NA schools and universities
Its disingenuous to call Damonte a top 3 midlaner in NA. Sure his team was 3rd seed at Worlds. But he's top 6 at best. And thats a push.
Can y’all not use this dude anymore? dude makes me cringe. ?
NA won every lcs you should be proud.