After a disappointing defeat against G2, Natus Vincere has pulled off an exceptional performance on their 11th June match against MAD Lions to crush them 2-0 without giving them any window of opportunity to retaliate. While the entirety of the Na’Vi lineup lived up to the team’s standards throughout the series, the one-star who shined the brightest was none other than Aleksandr “s1mple” Kostyliev.

Na’Vi got off to a head start by defeating their opponents 16-5 on Mirage, before finally owning the series 2-0 with a 16-7 victory on Overpass. Living up to the fans’ expectations, s1mple performed consistently in both the games, but calling the first game a one-man show would in no way be an understatement.
S1mple had a whopping 37 kills in the first game on Mirage followed by electronic on the second place who had less than half the number at 18. With only a measly 8 deaths in the entire game, s1mple rocked a ridiculous ADR of 158.5, which is certainly not very common for a game on the professional levels.
The second game on Overpass also saw s1mple annihilating his opponents, but this time electronic was one step further with a K-D of 25-12, with s1mple at 24-15. The domination on Overpass was although not unexpected due to it being the map pick of Na’Vi.
The sight of s1mple outplaying his opponents isn’t new in the CSGO scene, but his performance on Mirage was unprecedented. The Na’Vi star had an unbelievable rating of 2.77 in that game, a personal record in his lifetime.
With each passing day, the 22-year-old keeps on proving to the world why he’s considered by many as the greatest player to ever have touched CSGO. With all the upcoming matches of Na’Vi, we’re sure that we’ll get to see a lot more of what this man has to offer for his fans.