Leading bookmaker Rivalry, which heavily focuses on the esports sector of the market has spoken about why and how much they love the Fnatic CSGO team.
They demonstrate their dedication to esports within our Rivalry review.
They explained that Fnatic will always be embedded within the CSGO scene. They continued to show some of Fnatic’s best moments in CSGO.
Rivalry said, “Fnatic’s remarkable longevity and unique playstyle has brought them tons of admirers and just as many envious glances, which makes it all the more fun when they crush a tournament. This also made players like JW and flusha excellent villains who many love to hate, and KRIMZ the bedrock of consistency we all can look up to.”
Rivalry’s partnership with Fnatic was one of the biggest in esports betting industry. Brands like Betway has sponsored esports teams such as Ninjas and Pyjamas and continue their sponsorships of those teams.