Blow the Ornn Horn to win! Unless of course, Jankos is playing Sejuani… Check out all the laughs, screams and missed Ornn ults in our #LEC Spring 2020 Week 5 Voicecomms!
Which champ will PERKZ break next? Let us know in the comments below!
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I watch G2 for fun because they also play this game with fun either win or lose.
Basically Janko is Hermoine
#forfunchampions make EU great again
Whatever you do, if you win or lose always remember: it's fine ♥
"It is tier 1"
Do you mean the opponent, Jankos?
G2 relaxing in spring like last year?
Just look at the damn editing details in PERKZ's client at 2:27
Suggestet: S04 Not Forgiven
Duuude, editor salying it hard again
you cut off the part where caps is chasing gragas to their base . cmon now ://
You piece of shit coach LOL laughed hard
I'd rather have G2 be fresh and ready for the worlds than exhaust themselves by forcing a 18-0 streak – so get the int out of your systems while you can
And they're still the funniest ints of all LEC
Man, I wanted to hear what Perkz said when he picked Sejuani
poor grabz getting flamed for no reason
Love how they have added "s04 not forg1ven" on the suggested invite list
wheres Jankos reaction to grabz telling him to pick sejuani ?!
PERKZ: The First Uma Jornn
Why not give jankos jarvan. Taliyah or olaf?. He's good with this champions
Perkz 2/4 = I was so fucking useless.
Wunder 0/5 = Its fine.
Perks: This is like the most int game I've ever played
Jankos: But it's FUN!
Now I have the perfect excuse, ty Jankos xD
Perkz was useless adc and this year he is useless mid laner
Really hope he plays sylas again
Caps mid and perkz bot best team and individial Players in The West. almost of the world. Perkz mid and caps bot, trash team that loses against 0/18 Teams. Dont get me wrong i still love G2 but caps was the best midlaner in the West anf perkz the coolest and best adc in the West why the fuck did they Swap roles again. They truned from ,,The Best team" to ,,A good team"
Censord polish word i died
Im soo op next game im so fucking useless hhhh
''i was so ducking useless i'm sorry''
Perkz so reformed <3
Its fine
Caps Mid pls
Why did they role swap?
Grabzz and his classy comebacks

U should add caps when he missclick with mf
I missing Janko´s face after G2 picked Seju :/ I want to see, what he does, because the casters react was incredible.
Me having exams later watches g2 videos
Title: Priorities is broken
Like why g2 post video 1 min after fnc post there?
This team has the BEST content! Grats boys! Amazing team!
I cant belive that even in game Jankos is just shitting on how easy it is to play Karthus
1:55 czy tylko ja słysze chuj z tankiem?
It's not everyday we run into a superb team with this level of fun. Ocelote is really either the luckiest or the most inspiring CEO for keeping "entertainment" priority. Or both