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The Vancouver Titans were once considered one of the best teams in the Overwatch League.
The all-Korean lineup won 19 straight games in their first season, eventually losing to the San Francisco Shock in the Overwatch League Grand Finals.
But recently, the entire roster was dropped, the organization imploded in a matter of days and Vancouver is scrambling for a fix.
So what happened to one of the most beloved teams to ever play the game?
Written and Hosted by Devin Jones (@milkshks)
Edited and Shot by: Colten Gowan (@TheOnlyZoltan)
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Music used under license from Associated Production Music LLC (”APM”).
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What do you think will happen to the RunAway Roster? Will Another team pick them up?
Ok Titans dropped his roster… but it was Luminosity behind it and they also did a shit ton of errors in the R6 scene
Overwatch League isn’t dying, they have quite a lot of problems they have to fix that we’re invisible at first and now are growing to big problems, but they just have to clean things up it’s not like it’s D E A D
The Overwatch is dead or OWL is dying meme is just a classic hate bandwagon it doesn’t picture the reality
OWL was never a big deal, as compared to other eSports. So zero fucks given
The one time fissure wasn't the problem, like man he started finally to look like he had found his team
The best team in the world not signed to OWL for S1
So good that they won Korean Contenders and proceeded to lose in GF of OWL S2 when they got picked up
The most popular non OWL team before being signed to Vancouver, had more fans than some OWL teams
… didnt even last to the end of S3
LG not communicating with its players properly. Colour me surprised.
stop selling out for 5 minutes
This channel loves shitting on Overwatch. The bias is hilarious.
was listening to slasher talking about how OWL was pretty ok since the deal with youtube only a couple of weeks ago,
Its almost as if blizzard keeps trying to artificially build esports scenes in their games and then lets them die. Only titles they have that can be considered alive esports wise is hearthstone and idk much about starcraft to be honest but is that still alive? I hope so , great game , and aside of that overwatch is dying now apparently , hots got killed years ago. Sounds like they cant be trusted with esports leagues atm
Awesome stuff, i hope you have a great day

I don't get how a team collapsing is sign of owl dieing. I'd say that ow pro scene is in trouble, but simply having to "mutually part ways with the players" for some "logistic problems caused by covid" – reportedly titans were in trouble before covid and the players weren't happy – doesn't mean so.
Quick reminder than when the ow pro scene will die – it'll happen eventually, before I want it to – ow will still be alive because, contrary to other games that rely a lot on the competitive scene, ow can live due to row playerbase. Playerbase made by a lot of people not interested in the slightest in owl, that play the game for fun, on top of competitive players that will not leave the game when owl dies
Sounds like Siege EG and LG
OW is dead
OW ded lol.
TF2 alive lol.
Not soldier voice actor r.i.p .
Nobody can say the signs were there that Overwatch esports was on the road to ruin honestly. Back in early April (on the 6th I think) the Contenders scene (which included 5 ex-OWL players) had over 10 players announce retirement within the same day. I think the final retirement count of that day was 12 people, players and staff members. It's a shame this game, which had so much potential on the esports front, is losing so much top talent at such an alarming pace.
At this point I wouldn't be surprised if one of the investors/investment groups of one of the teams pulled out of the league before the season was over. I don't see it as very likely, but with how many bad checkpoints we keep hitting with Overwatch esports, it almost seems like it's a possible thing that can happen.
story starts at @ 1:22
I feel like I this the off season for owl most of the titan players are gonna get offers for teams since those players were some of the best in their respective roles
Man, these paid commercial parts make YouTube so annoying these days. 9 min video, 1 of them forces Grubhub down your throat. I'm glad you guys have that deal, but man these are the least authentic advertisements in the world. You can literally hear them check off the boxes that Grubhub made them sign.