Home EsportsCS:GO New CSGO Update brings big changes in Mirage & Dust2 » TalkEsport

New CSGO Update brings big changes in Mirage & Dust2 » TalkEsport

by Bharat Kotwani

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Developers have bought in some massive changes to their most played maps from the Active Duty Pool. Mirage, Dust2 and Train are the ones which have been overhauled and refurbished. To be more precise, let us focus on the final layouts and the probable aftermaths which the players will get to experience.

Starting with the Map Mirage, a new bench has been added near the sniper nest on the middle. This would help the players to self boost themselves in the sniper nest which does cancel out the old strategy to ask someone to provide help for the same. Coming on to the next remodel, a sealed door but yet penetrable has been added to the Palace position on the A-site which allows us to wall-bang through it and thus would kill the player hiding in the corner who would be camping for the opponent in the Palace to march in. Perhaps this wall-bang can be achieved only with the AWP Sniper rifle. In addition to these changes, the last revamp matters on the B-site where the trimmed wall in the balcony has been removed which now allows the player to defend the site from various angles. Also, the Jump spot has been removed from the middle of the site with the gap having been filled up to avoid the CT advantage from stopping the B-short to the B Bombsite approach.

Moving on to Train, the IVY position has now been revamped with it’s Skybox now removed which gives the T’s an upper hand to execute a Smoke and Flash Line up to enter the A-site assisting the previous strategy where the player could only throw a Smoke Grenade from the T Main. However this could totally be a nightmare for the Terrorists and their plans as the same could also be used by the CTs by throwing a smoke hence blocking the IVY entrance which would make the opponents park their bus.

The Final remodelled map is the Famous Dust2. On this remarkable map, we now witness some changes in the B halls with its skybox removed thus allowing the players to execute their Smoke and Flash Line-ups making the life of CTs miserable or vice-versa. This is the first time in Dust2’s history where we are now able to execute some strategies from the B Halls with the possibility of even faking it.

These Map changes may take days maybe even weeks to get used to and will affect several types of approaches and strategies.

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