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Valve has introduced a new update to Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, and it brings experimental Vulkan support to the shooter alongside other changes. The new CSGO update isn’t a big one, but it introduces a number of small changes to the title including general changes, Steam Input updates and UI changes.
Users can test out the new experimental Vulkan support for CSGO by adding -vulkan to their command line. To do so, simply launch steam, right-click on CSGO in your library, go to ‘properties’ and add ‘-vulkan’ in the launch options.
Here are the patch notes of the new CSGO update as mentioned in the official blog post by Valve:
– Fixed Hammer crash on startup when not logged into Steam.
– Fixed input delay after closing radial menu.
– FlickStick mode is now enabled in Options > Controller, as opposed to the SteamInput Configurator. Bind your Right Stick (or preferred aiming stick) to “Joystick Camera” in the configurator.
– Fixed SteamInput ActionSet being set to “MenuControls” when re-focusing on window.
– Refinements to FlickStick behavior.
– Tooltips to help clarify console controller settings.
– Various fixes to sliders.
– Added experimental Vulkan support. Add -vulkan to your command line to enable Vulkan.
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