Home EsportsCS:GO New CSGO Kart Mode Will Turn Your Game Into Rocket League

New CSGO Kart Mode Will Turn Your Game Into Rocket League

by Sonu Banerjee

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A new CSGO community map that has managed to gain some serious traction within the shooter’s player base is the new CSGO Kart mod. Not only does the mod completely change the way you play the game, but it also enables you to ride go-karts and blast your enemies with missiles equipped in them.

The Steam community workshop is home to thousands of custom CSGO maps made by the game’s vast community. While these custom maps don’t necessarily make it to the official game, some of these community maps can be incredibly fun to play with your friends.

CSGO Kart Mod

The CSGO Kart mod was developed by Steam users ‘lmtlss’ and ‘Squink’, who go by the name of “Two Random Dudes.” The mod enables you to completely alter your CSGO experience and make it more like that of Rocket League.

The CSGO Kart mod is essentially a vehicular ‘Capture The Flag’ (CTF) game mode where players have to control rocket-firing go-karts as they attempt to capture the enemy team’s flag and return it to their base.

Interested fans can check out the map’s launch trailer here.

How to Play the CSGO Kart Mod

Any CSGO player can play the CSGO Kart mod after downloading it through the Steam Community Workshop and creating a custom game with friends. 

You can download the CSGO Kart map here.

What Is CSGO?

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO) is a 2012 multiplayer first-person shooter developed by Valve and Hidden Path Entertainment.

It is the fourth game in the Counter-Strike series. Developed for over two years, Global Offensive was released for Windows, macOS, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3 in August 2012, and for Linux in 2014. Valve still regularly updates the game, both with smaller balancing patches and larger content additions.

The game has an active esports scene, continuing the history of international competitive play from previous games in the series.

Teams compete in professional leagues and tournaments, and Global Offensive is now one of the largest global esports. It has been awarded “Best eSports Game” at The Game Awards 2017, The Game Awards 2019 and The Game Awards 2020 shows.

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